General Staff Latest: AFU liquidated almost 1,100 soldiers of the Russian Federation
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General Staff Latest: AFU liquidated almost 1,100 soldiers of the Russian Federation

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia's losses in the war in Ukraine as of the morning of Tuesday, February 13, amounted to 1,090 occupiers. The total number of losses of the Russian army since the beginning of the invasion is 397,080 soldiers. In addition, AFU destroyed 30 drones, 27 APVs and 19 artillery systems.

What is known about the losses of the Russian Army at the front

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 13.02.24 approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — about 397,080 (+1,090) persons were liquidated;

  • tanks — 6424 (+8) units;

  • armoured personnel vehicles — 12,004 (+27) units;

  • artillery systems — 9,500 (+19) units;

  • MLRS— 981 units;

  • anti-aircraft warfare systems — 667 (+1) units;

  • aircraft — 332 units;

  • helicopters — 325 units;

  • UAV operational-tactical level — 7332 (+30) units;

  • cruise missiles — 1,882 units;

  • warships/boats — 24 units;

  • submarines — 1 unit;

  • vehicles and fuel tanks — 12,623 (+24) units;

  • special equipment — 1518 (+4) units.

The situation at the front on February 13

During the past day, 84 combat clashes took place. In total, the enemy launched five missiles and 113 air strikes, firing 135 MLRS rockets on the positions of our troops and populated areas.

As a result of the Russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are wounded among the civilian population. High-rise and private buildings, as well as other civilian infrastructure, were destroyed and damaged.

Airstrikes hit the following:

  • Vyiimka, Klishchiivka, New York, Oleksandropil, Avdiivka, Lastochkyne, Novokalynove, Kostyantynivka, Novomykhailivka, Paraskoviivka and Staromayorske of the Donetsk region ;

  • Novodarivka, Huliaipole and Robotyne of the Zaporizhzhia region ;

  • Krupytsia, Krynky and Beryslav of the Kherson region.

More than 110 settlements in the Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions came under artillery fire.

The situation at the fronts

In Volyn and Polisia's directions, the operational situation remains unchanged.

In the Siverskyi and Slobozhanskyi directions, the enemy maintains a military presence in the border areas, conducts active diversionary activities to prevent the transfer of our troops to threatening directions, increases the density of mine and explosive barriers along the state border in the Belgorod region.

In the Kupiansk direction, our defenders repelled two enemy attacks near Synkivka and Tabaiivka of the Kharkiv region.

In the Lyman direction, Ukrainian soldiers repelled three enemy attacks near Terny and north of Vesele in the Donetsk region.

In the direction of Bakhmut, the Defense Forces repelled seven attacks by occupiers near the settlements of Bohdanivka, Ivanivske, Andriivka and Klishchiivka of the Donetsk region.

In the Avdiivka direction, Ukrainian defenders continue to hold back the enemy, who does not stop trying to surround Avdiivka. Our soldiers firmly hold the defence, inflicting significant losses on the invaders.

During the past day, the defence forces repelled 22 enemy attacks in the Avdiivka region and seven more attacks near Tonenke and Nevelske of the Donetsk region.

In the Mariinka direction, Ukrainian soldiers continued to hold back the enemy near Heorgiivka, Pobieda and Novomykhailivka of the Donetsk region, where 35 attacks were repelled.

In the direction of Novopavlivsk, our defenders repelled an enemy attack south of Prechistivka of the Donetsk region.

In the direction of Zaporizhzhia, Ukrainian soldiers repelled an enemy attack west of Novopokrovka of the Zaporizhzhia region.

In Kherson's direction, the Defence Forces will continue to hold positions and repulse assaults by occupation forces. Despite significant losses, the enemy does not stop trying to knock our units out of their positions. So, during the past day, the enemy carried out two unsuccessful assault actions.

At the same time, our soldiers continue to actively inflict losses in personnel and equipment on the occupying troops, exhausting the enemy along the entire front line.

Losses of the enemy

During the past day, the Air Force struck 13 areas where the enemy's personnel, weapons and military equipment were concentrated. Ukraine's air defence destroyed seven reconnaissance UAVs.

Units of missile troops struck seven areas of personnel concentration, one artillery and one enemy anti-aircraft warfare system.

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