A recovery is questionable. DIU hacked the Russian tax service and destroyed all databases
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A recovery is questionable. DIU hacked the Russian tax service and destroyed all databases

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

During the special operation, the defence intelligence of Ukraine managed to break into one of the well-protected critical central servers of the Russian Federal Tax Service (FTS) and then into more than 2,300 of its regional servers throughout the Russian Federation, as well as in the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea.

DIU hacked the servers of the Russian FTS

Cyber units of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence carried out another successful special operation on Russian territory. They attacked the tax system of the aggressor state this time.

DIU reported this on the Telegram channel.

During the special operation, military intelligence managed to break into one of the well-protected critical central servers of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS) and then into more than 2,300 of its regional servers throughout Russia, as well as in the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea.

As a result of the cyber attack, all servers received malware.

At the same time, the Russian IT company Office.ed-it.ru, which served the FSB of the Russian Federation, was attacked in the same way.

As a result of two cyberattacks, the configuration files, which for years ensured the functioning of the extensive tax system of the Russian Federation, were completely eliminated. The entire database and its backups were destroyed.

Communication between the central office in Moscow and 2,300 Russian territorial administrations is paralyzed, as well as between the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and Office.ed-it.ru, which was a data center (data bank) for the tax office, the message says.

It is about the destruction of the infrastructure of one of the central state bodies of terrorist Russia and numerous accompanying tax data over a long period.

Internet traffic of tax data on the scale of the whole of Russia ended up in the hands of defence intelligence of Ukraine.

They have been unsuccessfully trying to restore the work of the Russian tax authorities for the fourth day in a row. According to experts, the paralysis in the work of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation will last at least a month. At the same time, resuscitation of the tax system of the aggressor state in its entirety is impossible, the DIU stated.

The DIU cyber attack was another severe blow to the regime in the Kremlin, which temporarily lost control over taxes and fees.

DIU cyber operation

Ukrainian intelligence officers conducted a cyber operation against the state-holding company “Rosaviatsia”. It was possible to obtain secret documents testifying to the Russian plane crash.

As a result of the cyberattack, it was possible to obtain a large volume of closed official documents of the structural unit of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation — the Federal Air Transport Agency ("Rosaviatsia").

This department is responsible for flight safety and records all emergency cases during the use of Russian aviation. Among the received data is a list of "Rosaviatsia" daily reports on the Russian Federation scale for over one and a half years.

DIU analyzed Russian documents and concluded that Russian civil aviation is on the verge of collapse. The main facts are:

  • During January 2023, 185 air accidents were recorded. The Russian short-haul plane "Sukhoi Superjet" became the leader here — 34 problem cases.

  • In the first nine months of 2023, 150 cases of aircraft technical malfunctions were discovered in Russia. In 2022, only 50 cases were recorded during the same period. That is, the danger of flights has tripled.

  • The most problematic areas of Russian aviation remain engines and chassis, as well as other essential elements: hydraulic systems, flaps and software.

  • Russia has severe difficulties in maintaining high-flying aircraft. Therefore, the planes are trying to be serviced in Iran without the appropriate certification.

  • As of March 2022, the Russians had about 820 civilian aircraft. Almost 70% of the aircraft fleet passed through the "artisan service" of Iran.

  • The acute shortage of spare parts led to the so-called "aircraft cannibalism". More than 35% of the planes were allowed to "donate".

  • During January 2023, 19 different failures were recorded among 220 Airbus aircraft. In particular, 17 cases of smoke were recorded in nine planes.

  • Of the 230 Boeing aircraft used by the Russian Federation, 33 technical failures of various aircraft systems were recorded.

  • Every seventh Brazilian Embraer could not withstand the conditions of the Russian operation, and there are 21 of them in the Russian Federation.

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