Andriy Khokhlov, with the call sign "Fighter," is a fighter of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves " battalion. He previously competed professionally in MMA. Due to the Russian Federation's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Andriy left his sports career and joined the army.
He participated in SOF operations and battles in the Kupiansk direction and, with his brothers-in-arms, held the last road to Bakhmut.
The "Fighter" told about the fallen battalion commander Dmytro "Da Vinci" Kotsiubailo, how luckiness works in war, what is taught in a patriotic school in the Rivne region, and what is the uniqueness of the "Da Vinci Wolves" recruiting centres.
The motivation of the "Fighter" in the war
At the beginning of the full-scale aggression, I wrote to all my friends who were already fighting to take me in. They answered: "We don't need meat. We don't have time to teach you." Therefore, we started training with like-minded people who wanted to go to the frontline. Then they went to the east [of Ukraine] and joined the "Honor" company, already part of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion.
Even at the beginning, I set myself a goal: if I save five lives, and mine is taken away, then I have not lived in vain.
When you pick up a weapon, you must understand that it will be used against you sooner or later. Each person has his luck. When we carry out the wounded or fallen on the mission, I understand that I could have been among them. My fortune is not limitless.
My motivation in war is revenge. Every time I go on a mission, I avenge the boys I lost.

Andriy "Fighter" Khokhlov
A fighter of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion
There are new losses every time. I want to go on at least a couple more missions. No one went just to shoot, and that's it; you're a nice one. It is not a game.
All those who took up arms have already given themselves to the country. This is the flower of the nation, which is fading, because people don't mobilise.

We are breaking the plans of the Russians
When we first became an independent country, Russia immediately began to fight with us, only closed. Everyone thought the full-scale invasion would be over soon.
We were determined to run 100 meters, and our enemy was determined to run a long marathon. The Russians are following the plan, but we are trying to break and stick to it.
Other countries say, "You are awesome, hold on!" The Second World War also started in Poland, so maybe the Third begins with us. It should also be considered.
People banded together out of fear at the start of a full-scale invasion. They did not know what to do. They thought that now they would break down the door, come in and kill them.
Earlier, Ukrainians were motivated to help the army; now, only a few support us. Maybe 5% are still volunteering. If no one will help, the military is left on their own: "Guys, fight and hold on." So it turns out.

I saw this video online where people say, "A big bow to you guys for your work. Here's an icon for your health. May God give you health."
"We really lack this. We will live on the same icons. We don't need drones or cars, just icons and God. Let's go out with the guys, pray, and go into battle. Then everyone will stay unharmed. We don't even need bulletproof vests — an icon on the chest and off we go," adds "Fighter" jokingly.
The smell of death and a luckiness
The Kalashnikov was shooting at me. AGS , SPG , ATGM , 120th and 152nd mortars, tank, FPV drones and aerial bombs. I could smell death. Everything was in dust, soil and smoke. And still, I did my job. Either you [shoot] or be shot.
It happened that a drone was hovering over me, throwing a grenade that fell at my feet. I manage to jump back, the grenade explodes. I am happy because I stayed alive.
When someone tells me that the 82nd mortar worked on them, they think it's scary. Are you serious? I once made a video where everything looks like Vietnam.
There was also a case when I started fire support and watched the FPV fly. I pause for a second, and with my side vision, I see how the drone hit a tree. And there is a feeling of euphoria.
Once, my comrades and I went to the position at night. We had two observation posts (OP) close to each other. I was with Dyra and sat in one OP. We looked at the thermal imager to see if anyone was there because they could get close.
Further from us, two more brothers-in-arms are sitting at their OP. In a walkie-talkie, they said the enemy crawls to the left three meters from them. I say: "Throw the grenade." It is silence. There is no explosion. "Dyra" climbs to the right side of that OP. They are already shouting: "Password" and want to shoot. Just imagine that they almost hit their own fighter. And I also told them to throw a grenade (smiles). It turns out that they saw us and thought it was the enemy.
However, the luckiness is not eternal. It's like gambling. At first, you win, and then you lose. However, as Taras Shevchenko said, we continue to fight: "Battle on and win your battle!"

Andriy "Fighter" Khokhlov
A fighter of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion
How to join the ranks of "Da Vinci Wolves"
"Da Vinci Wolves" is a pack that follows its leader. Our commander "Da Vinci" always tried to protect his personnel.
We were all like friends, like a pack of wolves howling at the moon. "Da Vinci" was a good guy. He usually went first and seemed to be scrolling through his mind: "the combat team must be safe." This is how we continue to protect our people.

"Da Vinci Wolves" Battalion opened two recruiting centres in Kyiv and Lviv. Volunteers can personally communicate with the Da Vinci Wolves fighters and learn about the possibilities of becoming a battalion member. Among the vacancies, you can choose combat and full-time positions.
When you come to the recruiting centre, you won't be put on a bus and told you're a stormtrooper. They will talk to you and answer your questions. If you are a decent and good person and want to join our battalion, you will perform combat tasks with us.
We have it for a month or two of MRT . We conduct tactical exercises, get into military matters, and train physically. We aim to teach people to survive in combat conditions, not just to shoot.
We share our combat experience so the soldier understands what awaits him and how to destroy the enemy as productively as possible. We try to give as much knowledge as possible in a short period. We also motivate people to complete their tasks successfully during the MRT.
The military are the knights of our country
The technologies don't stand still. We are developing, but the enemy is developing much faster. They also have more human resources.
We are critically short of people in the war. Now, there is no sufficient motivation among Ukrainians to join the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They don't think that they are going to defend their nation but are looking for excuses: "The authorities and volunteers are stealing", "I will not go because they will kill me", "I was not born to fight".
The guys and I immediately "got out of mom" with the rifle in our hands and went to fight, right?
A professional army consists of motivated people and experts in their field. They can shoot from rifles and use everything available.

The government should create a professional army and motivate people. One of the options is to raise the military salary up to 300,000 hryvnias.
It's better to have two motivated soldiers than six or seven fleeing the position. People understand that they are risking their lives, but they have the opportunity to support their families and leave something after themselves.
It is necessary to convey to people that a military man is a knight of our country.

Andriy "Fighter" Khokhlov
A fighter of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion
If you're in the military in the US, you walk with your head held high, chest forward, and everyone respects you.
Patriotic school for young people
My friends and I opened a patriotic school in Rivne in a month. We teach combat tactics, air reconnaissance, shooting, and first aid. We familiarise everyone with all the means used in war. After that, a person understands the conditions under which he will be at the front. They don't force you to fight; you get the skills and make choices.
When we teach first aid, we do it so that students can apply it in a peaceful life. For example, we teach how to free the respiratory system, stop bleeding, and save a person's life.
Anyone can take a life, but to save and to give it can do a few, right?
The state should be encouraged to open more such schools. Allocating communal premises and training fields is necessary for this. It will also help the military adapt and integrate into society.
Veterans could be instructors in patriotic schools to share on their skills and experience to the youth.

Teaching the younger generation in time
I started teaching the youth so that they could defend themselves, their families, and their country.
If it is not me, then no one will do it. No matter what, [but] Ukrainians are the nation for which I went to fight, so I want to share my skills with them.

Andriy "Fighter" Khokhlov
A fighter of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion
I understand that death will follow me sooner or later, so I need to have time to teach the younger generation. After all, many people have given their lives to protect our land. They did a lot for the country and wanted to change something.
I want to direct young people down the right path so that they don't use drugs but are interested in military affairs. In our patriotic school, soldiers tell stories from the front. They can remember their brother-in-arms who died and the heroic deeds they performed.
I organise various events to honor the memory of those who died in the war. People live as long as they are remembered.
I want to leave young people with a patriotic upbringing after me. The father is not the one who gave birth but the one who raised. We must educate a new generation and share our skills, history, and traditions.
The enemy wants to destroy our traditions, but we try to preserve them and share them with the youth. We tell them about people who gave their lives for traditions so that they will appreciate them.

Andriy "Fighter" Khokhlov
A fighter of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion