Russia's Minister of Defence Shoigu announced the end of the autumn draft
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Russia's Minister of Defence Shoigu announced the end of the autumn draft


The autumn conscription has ended in Russia. A total of 130,000 people joined the ranks of the occupying country's armed forces.

Russia drafted 130,000 people into its army

According to the Ministry of Defence of Russia, the conscription of citizens for regular military service in autumn 2023 has ended. This autumn, 130,000 people were called up and sent to serve in the Russian Armed Forces and other military formations.

Conscripts who have served the prescribed periods of military service are "timely released and sent to their places of residence".

The ministry stated that the conscription took place "in a difficult situation, in the face of negative influence from foreign media aimed at discrediting the Russian Armed Forces".

What is known about mobilisation in Russia

On 4 August, Putin signed a decree raising the conscription age from 18 to 30 years old starting from 1 January 2024. The upper limit of the conscription age will move from the current 27 to 30 years, while the lower limit will remain at the same level — 18 years.

Initially, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu proposed to move the lower limit, setting the conscription age at 21-30 years, and Putin supported this idea. The State Duma passed the bill in the first reading, but in July, the head of the State Duma Defence Committee, Andrei Kartapolov, said that it had been decided to raise only the upper limit of the draft age. He argued that "many boys want to serve at 18".

On 12 September, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that 270,000 people had voluntarily signed contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defence over the past six months.

On 29 September, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the autumn conscription for regular military service from 1 October to 31 December.

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