AFU blocks Russian assault groups in the Avdiivka direction
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AFU blocks Russian assault groups in the Avdiivka direction

Source:  Radio Svoboda

The AFU defence operation in the Avdiivka direction continues. Ukrainian soldiers count on the topography of the area, in particular, the cascade of reservoirs in the area of the settlements of Tonenke, Orlivka, and Berdychi, which can block the movement of the Russian invaders.

What is the current situation in the Avdiivka direction

The OSTG "Tavria" speaker, Capt. Dmytro Lykhovii notes the Russian invaders have little chance of moving forward without problems after taking Avdiyivka.

The terrain itself should contribute to the defense there: there is a cascade of reservoirs, and this was chosen as a priority. Thus, AFU units in the Avdiivka direction continue to conduct a defensive operation, he explained.

Dmytro Lykhovii also officially confirmed that the assault groups of the Russian army were blocked on the outskirts and the approach to the village of Orlivka.

Despite the fact that the enemy did everything possible to advance with the support of artillery, mortars, FPV drones and aviation, they could not succeed.

Not everything is as simple as it might seem to the enemy in this direction, near the village of Orlivka, assault groups of Russians were blocked on the approach to the village or on its outskirts, noted the OSTG "Tavria" speaker.

The Armed Forces have field fortifications in the Avdiiv direction

The junior sergeant of the UAV battalion of the 3rd AFU Assault Brigade, Anatoliy Nikitin, assures that there are indeed field fortifications.

What is important to understand is that they allow our soldiers to defend against infantry units and Russian artillery. Still, there is currently no protection against guided aerial bombs.

These are infantry field fortifications that allow effective defence against infantry and artillery components. But the adversary is now using a tactic for which we have no antidote: precision air bomb strikes with 500 kilograms of explosives. This is a hole five meters deep, said Nikitin.

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