AFU refutes accusations about the lack of fortifications in Donetsk region
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AFU refutes accusations about the lack of fortifications in Donetsk region

AFU servicemen

According to OSTG "Tavria" speaker, Capt. Dmytro Lykhovii, the Ukrainian forces have an extensive defence line system along the entire front line in Donbas.

AFU maintain a powerful defence line in Donbas

Lykhovii explained that in the Donetsk region, the AFU defensive line is adapted to the features of the terrain, terrain and water obstacles.

I have visited these defensive fortifications, which we allegedly do not have, and I can say for sure — if the enemy wants to find his death in the Avdiivka direction, let him attack where we supposedly do not have fortifications, — stressed the OSTG "Tavria" spokesman.

What does the AFU defence line near Avdiivka direction include

Lykhovii also told what the defence line of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk region consists of.

They do not have the appearance of a solid line, as someone wants to see it simplistically. But this is a very extensive system of prepared in advance, since December, reserve positions, firing positions of divisions, anti-tank ditches, there are also concrete bunkers and wooden VOPs, where it is necessary with armored capsules, work on this has been going on for a long time. Where necessary, the work continues, in some places it is finished and the crews who are there can see it, — notes the OSTG "Tavria" spokesman.

He also criticised those who spread statements about the alleged absence of a defence line of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk region.

Those who say that we allegedly do not have engineering and fortification facilities, they despise, first of all, the servicemen of the engineering units, the command of the Support Forces, who constantly perform this work and bring a concrete result that undoubtedly strengthens our defense, — emphasised Lykhovii.

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