Almost 40 Ukrainian volunteers were awarded with the "Golden Heart" honors
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Almost 40 Ukrainian volunteers were awarded with the "Golden Heart" honors

Office of the President of Ukraine

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, awarded 36 Ukrainian volunteers the "Golden Heart" award. One of them was awarded posthumously.

Ukrainian volunteers received special awards

By decree of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 36 volunteers were awarded the "Golden Heart" award of the President of Ukraine.

It is noted that the award was given for a significant personal contribution to the provision of volunteer assistance and the development of the volunteer movement.

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Awarded by the President:

  • Ayvazyan Alyona Robertivna — volunteer, director of the charitable organization "Help Army Peace Foundation", Kharkiv;

  • Akymchenkov Oleg Volodymyrovych — volunteer of the public organization "Regional Center for Sustainable Development", Kherson;

  • Anisimov Volodymyr Volodymyrovych — volunteer, Kyiv region;

  • Varava Valentyna Yuriivna — volunteer, head of the "E+ Initiative" public organization, Kyiv;

  • Goncharova Yulia Yevgeniivna — volunteer, Kyiv;

  • Tetyana Hryhorivna Grubenyuk — volunteer, director of the "Revival of the Defenders of Ukraine" charity fund, Kyiv;

  • Mykola Volodymyrovych Dashkevich — volunteer, Kyiv region;

  • Dzhalagonia Davyd Manucharovych — volunteer, director of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Aid and Development Fund "Help Group", Poltava;

  • Zarichanskyy Andriy Andriyovych — volunteer, founder of the "Rodyna Zarichanskyi" charity fund, Odesa;

  • Kaptur Iryna Mykhailivna — volunteer, founder of the charitable organization "Charitable Fund of Iryna Kaptur", Poltava;

  • Kartasheva Nataliya Mykolaivna — volunteer of the Pivdenniy-Bereg Charity Fund, Odesa;

  • Kvyatkovskii Andriy Vasyliovych — president of the charitable organization "Kvyatkovskii Family Foundation", Lviv;

  • Kepler Tata Hryhorivna — volunteer, founder of the charity fund "Vitchuy", Kyiv;

  • Kobryn Oleg Stepanovych — volunteer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder of the "INFRA-SPEKTR" society, Kyiv region;

  • Kovalenko Oleksandra Yevgenivna — volunteer, co-chair of the charity organization "Charitable Fund Ukraine for Heroes", Rivne;

  • Koval Yuliya Olehivna — volunteer, Kharkiv;

  • Kovalev Dmytro Oleksandrovich (posthumously) — volunteer of the charity organization "Kharkiv Regional Charitable Fund for Humanitarian Aid", Kharkiv;

  • Krylov Denys Valeriyovych — founder of the charitable organization "Charitable Fund "Svit. Ukraine. Childbirth", Zaporozhye;

  • Lyudmila Volodymyrivna Kucher — operational manager of the public organization "UKRAINER", Kyiv region;

  • Lyfar Vitaliy Ivanovych — member of the charitable organization "MoAS Charitable Fund — Ukraine", Kyiv;

  • Lomovskikh Hryhoriy Albertovych — volunteer, chairman of the supervisory board of the Charitable Foundation "Paruch", Kharkiv;

  • Mayboroda Hanna Anatoliivna — volunteer, head of the "Patriot" public organization, Kyiv region.

  • Mostenets Serhii Volodymyrovych — volunteer, Kyiv;

  • Maksym Borisovych Mostovyy — volunteer, head of the public organization "Scientific and Practical Center "UNIT", Kyiv;

  • Omelchenko Yuliya Oleksandrivna — volunteer of the "Strong and Unbreakable" charitable foundation, Kyiv;

  • Rybalchenko Serhiy Yuriyovych — volunteer, member of the public organization "Center for Harmonious Personality Development "VELET", Kherson;

  • Rybalchenko Anastasia Ivanivna — volunteer, member of the public organization "Center for Harmonious Personality Development "VELE", Kherson;

  • Roitberg Vladyslav Mykhailovych— volunteer of the Belotserk volunteer group, Kyiv;

  • Savynska Nadiya Oleksandrivna — executive director of the charitable organization "Charitable Fund "Spivdiia [Co-Action in English — Ed.]", Kyiv;

  • Serdichenko Denys Petrovych — volunteer, president of the charity fund "International aid "Good Samaritan", Odesa;

  • Skirtach Tetyana Mykhaylivna — volunteer, paramedic, Kyiv;

  • Slabko Andriy Mykhailovych — volunteer, doctor of the public organization "Hospitaliers", Kyiv;

  • Targonsky Oleksandr Sygysmundovych — a member of the charity organization "International Charitable Foundation of Vladyslav Stadnyk "Steel Wings", Zhytomyr;

  • Tyra Yuriy Stepanovych — volunteer of the charitable organization "Commonwealth of Ukraine" Charitable Foundation, Kyiv;

  • Tyshchenko Viktoriya Fedorivna — volunteer, manager and founder of the charitable organization "Volunteers: Adults-Children Charity Fund", Kharkiv;

  • Trishchenko Viktor Trohymovych — volunteer, head of the Kirovohrad regional branch of the All-Ukrainian Association of Veterans, Kropyvnytskyi;

  • Shevchuk Yuliya Mykolaivna— volunteer, member of the public organization "Scientific and Practical Center "UNIT", Kyiv;

  • Shlyapina Maryna Hennadiivna — volunteer, head of the "Path to People" public organization, Poltava Region;

  • Yanchenko Hryhoriy Mykolayovych — volunteer, Kherson.

International Volunteer Day

In 1985, at the 40th session, the UN General Assembly, in a special resolution, suggested that governments celebrate December 5 as "International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development", calling on them to implement measures to encourage people in all spheres of activity to offer their services as volunteers.

In Ukraine, the volunteer movement began in the 90s and was officially recognized on December 10, 2003.

The presidential award "Golden Heart" was founded in 2022. It is connected with International Volunteer Day, which is celebrated on December 5 every year. Then, Zelenskyy awarded it to representatives of 50 volunteering organizations.

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