An attempt on the Prime Minister of Denmark — the first reaction of the EU and NATO
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An attempt on the Prime Minister of Denmark — the first reaction of the EU and NATO

Mette Frederiksen

In the center of Copenhagen, an unknown man attacked the leader of Denmark Mette Frederiksen - he hit the politician in the neck. Currently, nothing threatens her life.

Points of attention

  • The attack on the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen caused shock and outrage in society and political circles.
  • According to witnesses, after the attack she was in a state of shock, but did not receive any physical injuries.
  • The incident occurred before the elections to the European Parliament and caused a reaction from the leaders of the EU and NATO.
  • The French president and NATO Secretary General have already expressed their condemnation of violence against political leaders.

What is known about the attempt on the Prime Minister of Denmark

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was attacked and beaten by a man on Kultorvet street in Copenhagen. Mette is naturally shocked by this attack. I must say that it shook all of us who are close to her, - Minister of the Environment Magnus Hounicke made a statement on this matter.

According to him, the leader of Denmark is shocked by the incident, but has no comments on this matter.

The journalists were able to learn from their insiders, as well as eyewitnesses to the attack, that the politician was indeed in a state of shock after the attack, but had no visible signs of physical damage.

What is important to understand is that the attack took place two days before the Danes go to the polls for the European Parliament elections.

According to the latest data, the politician is currently in the doctor's office — her life is not in danger.

The man who committed the attack has already been detained.

How NATO and the EU comment on the attempt on the Danish Prime Minister

French leader Emmanuel Macron was one of the first to make a statement on this matter.

I strongly condemn this act and wish Mette Frederiksen a speedy recovery, - wrote the head of the republic in his social networks.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also commented on the incident. He does not hide that he is also shocked by what happened.

I was shocked to learn about the violence against my friend Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, our ally from Denmark. I strongly condemn any violence against our political leaders. NATO members stand together in defense of our values, freedom, democracy and the rule of law

Jens Stoltenberg

Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General of NATO

According to the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, violence should not determine people's political choices.

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