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Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: date according to the new calendar, traditions and greetings

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: date according to the new calendar, traditions and greetings

The oldest holiday of the Christian Church is the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holidays celebrated by all believers of the Christian Church. The first mention of the religious holiday dates back to the II century. The Annunciation is a day that is considered one of the main church holidays after Christmas and Easter. This is a very important divine holiday among the twelve most important.

The Annunciation was celebrated precisely on April 7, this number was unchanged for many years - by believers of the Eastern rite, on March 25 - by the Western rite. In September 2023, the Ukrainian church switched to the New Julian calendar, so almost all spiritual holidays are celebrated thirteen days earlier. Annunciation 2024 will be celebrated on March 25, the first day of the week.

The Feast of the Annunciation - historical facts and significance

Sixth century - the Byzantine ruler Julian approved the day of the Annunciation on a permanent date. This day became a special phenomenon in the life of the Virgin Mary. She grew up and was brought up in one of the sanctuaries of Jerusalem, ended up there by the decision of her father and mother at the age of three. Until the age of fifteen, the Virgin Mary studied literacy by reading the Holy Scriptures, engaged in needlework.

Archangel Gabriel informed the Mother of God about the news that became significant in her life. He said: "Rejoice, Gracious! The Lord is with you!". The date of this church holiday was chosen in advance, exactly nine months pass between Christmas on December 25 and the Annunciation on March 25.

In the days of Kyivan Rus, the feast of the Good News was celebrated starting from the tenth century, at the time of the advent of Christianity. In Ukraine, in ancient times, a unique ritual was held in the temples during the All-Near Feast - "the act of breaking the bread." At this time, bread, grain, wine and beer were blessed. "Thanksgiving" bread and wine were given to all those present in the church during the Vespers. Small loaves were given out whole, and a whole loaf was cut into slices, that is, into large pieces. Everyone took turns drinking wine from a large vessel, and the rich townspeople drank from small cups. On the Annunciation, there was another rite - serving food to the needy and poor, all this at the expense of Christian communities.

The main purpose of the holiday is to hope for the salvation of the human race. Angel Gabriel brought the news that the Savior would soon appear in the world. Mary, a Galilean girl unknown to no one, will bring Him to this land. It is because of her that the liturgy of the birth of God and the coming of God to the sinful earth will be completed: not with an army, cries or terror, but with the Child of God, with whom Peace, Love, Harmony and Salvation will come into the world to all who listened to Him. This Baby will make all evil on earth weak. That is why we celebrate the appearance of hope for our salvation at the Annunciation. In the fourth century, a huge contribution to the origin of the holiday was recorded in the history of the holiday by Elena. She traveled through all areas of Christ's life and left her mark everywhere in the form of a basilica, a shrine, a shrine or a cathedral. She was also one of the first to speak about the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a significant event. The saint found the place where the appearance of the Archangel Devi took place, and erected a basilica there. In the eighth century, festive canons were composed, which are sung during the service in honor of the Annunciation.

Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God

In ancient times, before the advent of Christianity, there were other rites on this day - the goddess of the earth and the family hearth, Mokoshi-Oranti, was worshiped. Men together with women tilled the field on an empty stomach. A sacrifice to the goddess was placed on freshly plowed land: products made of flour, grain, red wine. The first field was plowed and a special prayer was ordered, as well as ancient orders: "Come, souls, to our field, come, the sun is clear, the rain is abundant, the breeze is light - for a good harvest!... And if you did not come to eat and drink - never come to our field, thunder, hail, clouds, violent winds, but go to the forests, swamps, in the rocks, where the chicken's voice does not reach. And you, God, help us to give birth to our and other people's destiny!".

After all these manipulations, they sowed the field with grain crops and sat down to breakfast. Crumbs of bread were scattered on the field, leaving a tribute to field ghosts and birds so that they would not destroy the grain.

Feast of the Annunciation

Traditional actions on the Annunciation

All those who believe in God visit the church on this day. Priests wear festive clothes and conduct a festive liturgy. People believe that on the day of the Annunciation, doves should be released, they will fly to heaven and tell the angels that everything is fine on earth. March 25 is the feast of the Annunciation, when the heavens open, the Lord hears every prayer. Parishioners order prayers for the health of all relatives and friends.

Traditional rites and what can be done on the Annunciation:

  • On this day it is customary to dress in blue clothes;

  • Women ask the Mother of God for a successful marriage, the birth of children and happiness in family life;

  • It is accepted to gather for a family dinner with the whole family;

  • Before the holiday, you should do a general cleaning;

  • They bring holy water from the temple, Christians believe in its power;

  • It is allowed to relax the rules regarding Lent - you can eat fish;

  • The ancestors called for spring on this day, lit huge fires and believed that the fire would melt winter.

omens for the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos

Folk signs for the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God

People wrote all kinds of folk signs based on their observations. Many people still believe in omens that they heard from their parents and grandfathers. Here are some of them:

  1. The swallows did not fly until the day of the Annunciation - spring will be late and cold;

  2. Morning fog with wind - to a good harvest;

  3. Sunrise in a clear sky - to early spring;

  4. Frosts - there will be a generous harvest of cucumbers;

  5. An early spring thunderstorm means a warm summer, as well as a nut crop;

  6. A small number of stars in the sky - chickens will hardly lay eggs;

  7. Snow on the roof on the day of the Annunciation - it will be snowy in the field in a month;

  8. Shake the crumbs down during a festive dinner - to a large number of flies in the room;

  9. Warm weather on the holiday - to a good catch of fish;

  10. It was not possible to speak evil words, because such a person will be followed by an unclean person;

  11. Elderly women burned salt in furnaces. It was believed that such salt had healing properties, it was dissolved in holy water, it was given to the sick during various mental disorders, and it was also used to treat inflammation of the skin in cattle;

  12. People say: "Even a bird does not build a nest on the Annunciation."

What can not be done on the Annunciation

Our ancestors always believed in different beliefs and attributed themselves to them. What exactly cannot be done on a major church holiday:

  • It was forbidden to engage in any kind of needlework — sewing, knitting (with knitting needles, crochet), embroidery;

  • They did not engage in heavy physical work;

  • It was not worth lending money on this very day, people believed that it was possible to lose prosperity and peace;

  • Weddings were forbidden;

  • Believers did not quarrel or slander on this day.

There are many different ceremonies that are held during the celebration of this holiday. Even our great-grandfathers saw: if we celebrate the Annunciation in accordance with creeds and traditions, then the year will be happy and joyful. It was customary to wash oneself with water from melted snow, it was believed that it could cure any disease. Infirm and old people took snow, heated it to the state of water and washed themselves.

Another interesting tradition that has taken root in Ukrainian families is that a woman called her husband "sweetie" throughout the day. She had to say the word addressing her "beloved" at least forty times, thus it was believed that it would ensure love and harmony in the family. In ancient times, girls did not braid braids on the Annunciation, they did their hair on the eve of the holiday. Plaiting braids for a church holiday, the girl complained about her difficult fate and lonely life. During the times of our ancestors, the braid was not only a symbol of beauty, but also testified to the health of its owner. Young men paid attention to healthy girls with long and thick braids.

In Byzantium, the traditional date of March 25 had great significance - it is the day not only of the Annunciation, but also of the creation of the world and the Resurrection of Christ; the dates of other holidays begin from it: Christmas, Conception and Christmas of St. John the Baptist.

Annunciation Day was very often considered the beginning of the church and even the civil year both in the East and in the West.

Congratulations on the feast of the Annunciation

Congratulations on the feast of the Annunciation

You can congratulate loved ones, relatives and friends on this bright holiday by sending them warm words:

Now the Annunciation

Forgiveness of all sins!

We congratulate everyone on the holiday

And we call you

worship god

Pray fervently.


Congratulations on the Annunciation. May the Holy Mother of God protect you and your loved ones. May your prayers be heard. I wish you warmth and peace of mind. Let peace and tranquility live in your life, and your thoughts will be pure.


With the first rays of the spring sun, the fragrance of the plowed land, the holiday of the Annunciation comes to Ukraine. It was on this day that God's messenger, Archangel Gabriel, brought wonderful, good news about the future birth of the Son of God.

I congratulate you on the great and bright holiday of the Annunciation and sincerely wish that happiness and goodness never leave your homes. I want every corner of our country, every family, every person to feel joy, warmth and comfort on this day. Let each of us do at least one good deed this day, help a neighbor, smile at a stranger, wish good luck to friends. And then our whole world will become at least a little brighter, happier and happier.


May your heart be filled with even greater love on this bright day, and may the Holy Virgin Mary protect you from all troubles! Let them come to your home only with good news, only with kindness and warmth. I wish that your soul is always filled with sincerity, and your heart rejoices with happiness and love. With the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God!

Like the ringing of holiday bells, let faith and grace enter your hearts. Let love and joy flutter over you like doves over church domes. Do good and receive thanks in return. Help the needy, and everything will come back to you like a boomerang. Happy Annunciation, Christians! Prosperity and health in your homes!


With the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God! It was on this day that the Virgin Mary learned the good news that she would become the Mother of God and the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let our souls be filled with only the best thoughts on this bright holiday, so that each of us has our own good news in our lives.


Congratulations on the holiday of the Annunciation will tell all your relatives about your good and warm intentions.

Another interesting fact: "Until the seventh century, the holiday had many other names - Hail Mary, Day of Welcome, Annunciation, Conception of Christ, Atonement. You can find pictures of the Annunciation on the website.

Ancient superstitions: "When a girl went to fetch water for the holidays and found a blooming primrose - that same year she was supposed to find her husband and get married. The one who wanted to become more beautiful had to pour cold water into a bowl, let the snowdrops float and wash with this water."

Holidays have their own symbols:

  • The ray is the first symbol of the Annunciation, symbolizing the road to the Lord, the ephemeral road along which the Holy Spirit descended to Mary;

  • Spinning machine - the Virgin Mary often spent time spinning, it was this occupation that the angel Gabriel found her when he announced the good news;

  • The palm branch is a symbol of spiritual sublimity, submission to divine providence.

The rules for the celebration of the Annunciation were created many centuries ago, they are steadfastly followed by believers to this day.

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The crew of the tanker detained in Finland planned a series of sabotage operations in the Baltic Sea

oil tanker
Source:  Reuters

The crew of the oil tanker Eagle S, suspected of sabotaging undersea cables in the Baltic Sea, planned to damage other cables and pipelines. This did not happen because the ship was detained.

Points of attention

  • The crew of the oil tanker Eagle S, detained in Finland, planned a series of sabotage operations in the Baltic Sea.
  • The crew intended to damage power cables and gas pipelines in the region but were apprehended before carrying out their plans.
  • Investigations revealed that the crew posed a significant threat to critical underwater infrastructure in the Baltic Sea.
  • Seven crew members are suspected of aggravated vandalism and have been prohibited from leaving Finland.
  • The incident highlights the importance of safeguarding maritime infrastructure and the need for stricter security measures in the region.

The crew of the oil tanker Eagle S planned a series of sabotage operations in the Baltic Sea

According to the head of the investigation, Risto Lohi, the vessel was threatening to damage another energy cable, Estlink 1, as well as the BalticConnector gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia at the time of its detention.

There was an almost immediate threat that other cables or pipelines connected to our critical underwater infrastructure could be damaged.

He said the ninth crew member of the vessel had been placed on a list of suspects and banned from leaving the country. Finland also reported that eight of the 24 crew members were under a travel ban.

The captain of the vessel is a Georgian citizen, and the crew consists of citizens of India and Georgia.

Cable breakage in the Baltic Sea

At the end of last year, underwater communication cables between Finland and Estonia were damaged in the Baltic Sea.

After that, Finland detained the Eagle S vessel, probably a tanker of the Russian "shadow fleet", which was sailing in the area where the cable rupture occurred.

It recently became known that Finland suspects seven members of the ship's crew of aggravated vandalism. They have been banned from leaving the country.

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