"Artan" fighter warned about Russia's "second front" in the USA and Europe
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"Artan" fighter warned about Russia's "second front" in the USA and Europe

Source:  online.ua

A fighter of the active action unit of the DIU "Artan" with the call sign "Makhno" draws the attention of Ukrainians and the international community to the fact that Russia is not only fighting directly on the battlefield, but has also opened a "second front" in Europe and the USA in order to weaken support for Ukraine. He shared his opinion on this matter in an interview with online.ua.

Russia has opened another front against Ukraine

If we see that the Poles put up a poster at the border saying "Putin will bring order to both Ukraine and Brussels" and put up a "red rag", then it is clear that this is where it comes from. Where did he get that "red rag"?



Fighter of "Artan"

As the GUR soldier points out, it is not difficult to guess that everything that is happening is aimed more at Ukraine's closest neighbors.

Putin is interested in ensuring that official Kyiv and Warsaw cannot agree on key issues.

According to Makhno, blocking the Ukrainian-Polish border under the guise of social and economic problems is the biggest obstacle to the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Now the turning points are happening at the front, and the lack of weapons is the main problem. And when the border is closed, when the weapons are already moving, but the border is closed. In this case, Poland plays the biggest role here. What can you say to the Poles? "Let them turn to their history," emphasizes the "Artan" fighter.

Makhno gave advice to the Polish people

The warrior calls on the Poles not to forget that we were and remain related peoples with a common history.

In addition, he urges to read the book "Fire and Sword" by the Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz.

"Makhno" draws attention to the fact that when Poles and Ukrainians argued and fought among themselves, Moscow won as a result.

If the Poles are going to act like this now, let them not forget that Putin will not stop there. Russians have it in their blood. And what they did before, they want to repeat. They want to make permanent historical revenges.



Fighter of "Artan"

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