"Artan" successfully destroys influential Russian military
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"Artan" successfully destroys influential Russian military

Source:  online.ua

A fighter with the call sign "Makhno" is a fighter of the "Artan" active operations unit of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU). In an interview with online.ua, "Makhno" told how Kyrylo Budanov, DIU chief, behaves with the enemy in critical situations, the preparation of the active operations unit "Artan" for combat sorties.

"Artan" successfully destroys influential Russian military

Fighter "Makhno" notes that there are 2 types of operations: planned and unplanned.

However, to prevent this from happening during their execution, the main task of "Artan" is to save the lives of all the soldiers of the unit.

We take great care of our staff. We are protected.



"Artan" fighter

According to the "Artan" fighter, their unit managed to eliminate a large number of enemy personnel.

We are also talking about senior officers who hold high positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

"Makhno" emphasizes that these statistics are still closed, but the number of eliminated enemies has already exceeded the limit of 100 people.

Moreover, the combat positions, BC warehouses and armaments of the Russian occupiers were successfully destroyed.

How the "Artan" fighters managed to escape from the Russians and met Budanov

One of the operations of "Artan" was remembered by "Makhno" for many interesting and unexpected moments.

Having completed the task, the fighters waited for the command to leave, but they were warned by the radio station that a Russian helicopter was flying directly at them, but the Ukrainian MANPADS was far away and did not aim at the enemy.

The DIU "Artan" active ops unit commander with the call sign "Titan" told the soldiers on the radio station: "Fellas, if you have any RPG, hit it with something. He [the enemy — ed.] will think it is an RPG and immediately escape from here."



"Artan" fighter

And so it happened. The commander's idea worked perfectly and the lives of all soldiers were saved.

After that, the soldiers came out of the shelter and started a circular defense.

Taking a position with his back to the road, "Makhno" heard that someone was approaching from the side of his brothers.

I hear: "Guys, you're doing well! You completed the task, everything is fine." I turn around, look like Budanov. I'm looking, it's Budanov! A commander of such a level can enter such a depth, such a territory, - recalls "Makhno".

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