"Azov" Commander thanked US for ban lifting on weapon supply to his brigade
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"Azov" Commander thanked US for ban lifting on weapon supply to his brigade

Denys Prokopenko
Source:  online.ua

The commander of the Azov National Guard brigade, Lt. Col. Denys Prokopenko, publicly expressed his gratitude to the American leader Joe Biden's team for canceling the ban on the supply of weapons to the unit.

Points of attention

  • The brigade promises to justify trust and become a deadly weapon in the war against the Russian Federation.
  • The lieutenant colonel thanked the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA.
  • Thanks to the combination of combat experience of "Azov" and modern American weapons, it will be extremely difficult for the enemies to resist in this war.

"Azov" promises to justify the trust of the White House

I want to congratulate all the fighters of the 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade and the entire civilized world on the victory over Russian propaganda. Azov knows that no matter how difficult the situation may seem, there is always a solution. The only question is the effort you are willing to put in to overcome it, the coherence of the work and the professionalism of the team.

Denis Prokopenko

Denis Prokopenko

Commander of the National Guard Brigade "Azov"

Denys Prokopenko once again draws attention to the fact that the servicemen of "Azov" demonstrate these qualities every day on the battlefield.

They also turned out to be decisive in the systematic work of the NSU unit on unblocking the transfer of weapons and training from the United States of America to Azov.

The ban created by Russian propaganda, which existed since 2017, has been overcome. I am grateful to the United States of America for the careful consideration of this issue and the correct decision, which will qualitatively strengthen our unit, and with it all the Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine, - emphasized the lieutenant colonel.

"Azov" will become a deadly weapon in the war against the Russian Federation

In addition, Prokopenko expressed his gratitude to the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA, as well as everyone who supported his unit.

You are all true friends of Azov, our reliable support. "Azov" will never forget what you did for us in difficult times, he said.

The lieutenant colonel promises to justify the responsibility assigned to him and his team, and to prove the effectiveness of this decision with his discipline, stability and courage.

The colossal combat experience of the soldiers, sergeants and officers of "Azov", combined with modern American weapons, will become a deadly weapon for the enemies of Ukraine.

Denis Prokopenko

Denis Prokopenko

Commander of the National Guard Brigade "Azov"

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