Biden names main US ally outside NATO
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Biden names main US ally outside NATO

The White House
Joe Biden

The head of the White House, Joe Biden, told Congress that he plans to appoint Kenya as the main ally of the United States outside NATO.

Biden noted the important role of Kenya in the international arena

This is stated in the press release of the White House on the occasion of the visit of the President of Kenya, William Ruto.

What is important to understand is that this status is given by official Washington to its partners who have close and strategic working relationships with the American military and civilians in the field of defence.

The United States deeply respects Kenya's contributions to global peace and security. This is the first time that a sub-Saharan African country has been granted the status of a major ally outside of NATO.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

President of the USA

Biden is criticized for the unexpected decision regarding Kenya and Ukraine

Recently, it became known that the Republicans accused the team of the American leader Joe Biden of sending military equipment worth tens of millions of dollars to the Kenyan troops in Haiti, which could instead be used to help Ukraine.

The head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Michael McCaul, and the member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Senate, Jim Risch, expressed their indignation on this occasion.

Politicians complain that the head of the White House used his presidential powers to accelerate the allocation of $60 million in military aid to Haiti to suppress gangs there.

According to them, it is about rifles, ammunition and armored vehicles.

All these weapons could have been received by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which have been restraining Russian aggression in Europe for more than 10 years, but Biden decided otherwise.

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