Biden threatened Republicans amid the conflict over Ukraine
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Biden threatened Republicans amid the conflict over Ukraine

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

According to American leader Joe Biden, the Republicans will have to "pay for a lot" if they do not provide financial assistance to Ukraine.

Biden is trying to promote the aid allocation to Ukraine

"Well, if my Republican colleagues don’t fund Ukraine, they’re going to have an awful lot of — to pay for", the head of the White House publicly warned.

He also emphasised that he does not consider the situation on the southern border of the United States to be a crisis. However, he still promised "fundamental change" in this matter.

Well, Republicans have to pass funding.  They have to. I've been pushing for fundamental change on the border for a long time — a long time.  And so, I'm hopeful. I’m going to let those negotiations play out. But other than that, I'm going to take action myself, Joe Biden stressed.

Why the US has not yet allocated financial aid to Ukraine

Last month, the US Republican Party representatives blocked the bill on giving more than $61 billion in assistance to Ukraine. Also, they tried in every possible way to connect it with strengthening its southern borders.

However, already on January 12, the Democrats rejected the demands of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, to strengthen the border with Mexico in exchange for providing assistance to Ukraine.

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy now believes that official Washington can provide military and financial assistance to Ukraine.

I look at it with more positivity than I did in December. I think that we will also add to the result, the head of state said.

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