Border blockade. Tusk stood up for Ukraine and shamed the Polish government
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Border blockade. Tusk stood up for Ukraine and shamed the Polish government

Donald Tusk
Source:  PAP

The famous Polish politician Donald Tusk accused the Polish government of inaction against the backdrop of the blockade of the Ukrainian border.

Tusk once again harshly criticized the official Warsaw

Donald Tusk draws attention to the fact that the current government of Poland puts everyone in a complicated situation.

Journalists reminded the leader of the "Civil Coalition" that his team will also face this problem in 2 weeks.

The politician replied that he would not solve the mentioned problem "not in two weeks".

According to Donald Tusk, he will soon hold talks with experts and those politicians who will deal with these issues.

In addition, he commented on the appointment of the new government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Since they pretend to have appointed a real government, they could also pretend to deal with real problems... Such inaction cannot be excused, because in this way we endanger Polish-Ukrainian relations and do not care about Polish interests, he emphasized Donald Tusk.

Tusk once again stood up for Ukraine

According to the leader of the "Public Coalition", the political party "Law and Justice", Morawiecki and Kaczynski played the Ukrainian card fatally, amateurishly, unprofessionally and cynically.

At first, when it was appropriate, Warsaw demonstrated a radically pro-Ukrainian position, completely forgetting about Polish interests.... Poland should live in friendship and support Ukraine, but not neglect its own interests, Donald Tusk emphasized.

The politician drew attention to the fact that the Polish government completely neglected this. When he realized it annoyed the people, he rushed to play the anti-Ukrainian card and then turned away from the problem at the border.

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