China threatens "countermeasures" against the US for selling arms to Taiwan
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China threatens "countermeasures" against the US for selling arms to Taiwan

Flag of China
Source:  Xinhua

According to Wang Wenbin, the Deputy director of information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, official Beijing will take countermeasures against US companies that sell arms to Taiwan.

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The Chinese foreign ministry's statement came after the US State Department's decision to sell $300 million worth of aid and equipment to Taiwan.

Official Beijing has traditionally complained that the United States is grossly violating the "One China" principle and the provisions of Three Joint Communiqués, especially the communiqué of 17 August.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China also assures that this decision by official Washington undermines the sovereignty and security interests of their country, threatens peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and sends a false signal to the "separatist" forces that insist on Taiwan's independence.

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According to Wang Wenbin, the Taiwan issue is an exclusively internal matter of official Beijing, and the Chinese authorities are not going to put up with "foreign interference".

He also added that regardless of how many weapons the United States transfers to Taiwan, this will not change the historical course of China's reunification and will not weaken the strong will of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We call on the United States to take seriously its commitment to a united China and not to support "Taiwan independence", to stop arming Taiwan and causing a dangerous trend, and to stop creating factors that could increase tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

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