Cholera, typhus spreading in Russia's occupational army in Ukraine, German media claims
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Cholera, typhus spreading in Russia's occupational army in Ukraine, German media claims

Military armies of the Russian Federation
Source:  Bild

According to Julian Roepke, an analyst of the German edition of Bild, with reference to Russian sources, cholera and typhus are spreading rapidly in the ranks of the criminal army of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • The spread of cholera and typhus in the Russian army in Ukraine is causing deaths among the occupiers due to contaminated water consumption.
  • The lack of access to clean water is forcing Russian soldiers to drink from unsafe sources like rivers and wells, leading to the rapid increase in diseases such as typhus and cholera.
  • Russian propaganda attempts to cover up the outbreak of cholera and typhus in its army, while spreading fake news about an alleged outbreak in territories controlled by Ukraine.
  • The local infectious disease hospital refuted claims of a cholera outbreak in Ukraine, emphasizing the absence of the disease for the past 20 years.
  • The situation calls for immediate action to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the Russian army in Ukraine, where soldiers are suffering from thirst and risking their health by consuming contaminated water.

What is known about the spread of cholera and typhus among the Russian occupiers

Ryopke draws attention to the message of the Russian Telegram group "Two Majors", which writes that typhoid and cholera have already caused deaths in units of the occupation army of the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of the Kherson region.

At the same time, the analyst notes that the number of cases of diseases among the Russian occupiers is growing rapidly.

According to his information, every soldier of the criminal army of the Russian Federation is given 18 liters of water every 2 weeks in plastic containers.

Commanders receive an order to issue subordinates 1.5 liters of water per day, but in this case, the allocated volumes will be enough for a maximum of 4 days.

The Russian occupiers suffer from thirst and are forced to drink water from rivers and wells, primitively filtering it with cloth.

This causes the spread of diseases such as typhus and cholera.

According to another Russian soldier, since June 15, cases of typhus and cholera began to increase rapidly.

Last Thursday, a Russian soldier said in a video that his comrades were surrendering because of thirst.

There was no food or water for three days - says a soldier of the occupation army of the Russian Federation.

How Russian propaganda ignores information about the spread of typhus and cholera in its own army

At the same time, Russian propaganda began to spread fakes about an alleged outbreak of cholera in the territories controlled by Ukraine in the Kherson region.

The head of the local infectious disease hospital, Olena Tymoshenko, denied these statements, stating that there has been no cholera there for 20 years, as well as the prerequisites for an outbreak of the infection.

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