Did Putin really order to kill Navalny? US intelligence reached an unexpected conclusion
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Did Putin really order to kill Navalny? US intelligence reached an unexpected conclusion

Vladimir Putin

According to American intelligence, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin may not have ordered the killing of opposition leader Oleksii Navalny.

Putin did not order to kill Navalny

According to the publication's anonymous sources, this version has already been supported in the American intelligence community.

Moreover, it is spreading rapidly within several agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the intelligence division of the State Department.

US intelligence reached this unexpected conclusion after a detailed analysis of various data and public facts, such as the time of Navalny's death and how the death of the opposition figure overshadowed Putin's "election" in March.

What is important to understand is that the United States does not release dictator Putin from general responsibility for Navalny's death, because it was the Kremlin regime that did everything possible to eliminate him, in particular, tried to poison him.

How Navalny died — data from the State Government

According to the head of Ukrainian intelligence, Kyril Budanov, the Russian opposition leader Oleksiy Navalny died of natural causes.

I may disappoint you, but what we do know is that he actually died of a blood clot. And this is more or less confirmed. This is not taken from the Internet, but unfortunately a natural [death].

Kyrylo Budanov

Kyrylo Budanov

Head of DIU

Interestingly, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that Oleksiy Navalny "was obviously killed by Putin."

The head of the White House, Joe Biden, also blamed the death of Navalny on the Russian president.

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