Only one model of negotiations with Russia is possible, Zelenskyy says
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Only one model of negotiations with Russia is possible, Zelenskyy says

Volodymyr Zelenskyi
Only one model of negotiations with Russia is possible, Zelenskyy says

Currently, only one model of negotiations with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is possible. To achieve this, intermediaries who were involved in the creation of the grain corridor must be involved.

Points of attention

  • Ukraine is considering the possibility of peace negotiations with Putin only under the condition of the involvement of mediators, as in the format of the agreement on the grain corridor.
  • Zelensky indicated that the model of negotiations and agreements, as in the case of the grain corridor, can be applied in other areas, such as territorial integrity, energy and shipping.
  • The first peace summit regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine was held in June, where 90 signatures were collected on the final communique. Ukraine plans to hold a second meeting in Saudi Arabia.
  • According to Zelensky's statements, Ukraine is working on the development of a peace plan, which should be ready by the end of this year.
  • Ukraine is looking for ways to resolve the crisis with the Russian Federation through constructive negotiations and plans for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Zelenskyi named the only possible format of negotiations with Putin

When asked by journalists whether there could be circumstances for Ukraine to hold talks with Putin, Zelenskyy named only one option — a document similar to the grain corridor agreement.

Ukraine can find a model in which solutions can be found. This model was applied for the first time on the example of the grain corridor, when Ukraine negotiated not with Russia, but with the UN and Turkey. They, in turn, assumed the responsibility of negotiating with us, and then signing the corresponding agreement with the Russian Federation. And this is how it worked: two mirror agreements between the UN and Turkey, Zelenskyy said.

According to him, the same model can be used in territorial integrity, energy and shipping, when countries from different continents are preparing solutions for this or that crisis. And then this document, if it suits Ukraine, should also deal with representatives of the Russian Federation.

Peace Summit

In June, the first peace summit regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine was held in Switzerland. As of June 28, the final communique of the peace summit already has 90 signatures.

Later, the head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak said that Kyiv wants to hold the second meeting of the peace summit in Saudi Arabia by the end of the year.

Zelenskyi also stated that Ukraine should also develop a clear peace plan. It should be ready by the end of this year.

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