Elections to the European Parliament. Who is leading in Germany - data from exit polls
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Elections to the European Parliament. Who is leading in Germany - data from exit polls

European Parliament
Source:  DW

According to polls, the CDU/CSU bloc won the elections to the European Parliament with almost 30 percent of the vote. In second place is the far-right Alternative for Germany, which won 16.5 percent of the vote.

Points of attention

  • The far-right Alternative for Germany party came second with 16.5% of the vote.
  • The largest party in the ruling coalition - the Social Democratic Party of Germany - received 14% of the vote.
  • 35 parties were admitted to the elections in Germany, which indicates a wide choice for the population.
  • In this year's elections to the European Parliament in Germany, citizens aged 16 and over had the right to vote for the first time.

In Germany, almost 30% of voters supported the opposition conservative bloc

According to exit polls, the opposition conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) won the European Parliament elections in Germany.

According to exit polls on June 9, the conservatives won 29.5 percent of the vote, according to the Infratest Dimap sociological service.

Second place goes to the far-right Alternative for Germany (AdN), which received 16.5 percent, according to exit polls. The largest party in the ruling coalition in Germany - the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) - won 14 percent of the vote, while its partners "Soyuz-90/Greens" - 11.5 percent and the Free Democratic Party - 5 percent.

5.5 percent of voters voted for Sarah Wagenknecht's Union, 2.8 percent for the Left Party.

35 parties were admitted to the elections to the European Parliament

According to preliminary data, the turnout at the elections was 64 percent, which is higher than the result of the previous elections in 2019 (61.4 percent).

A total of almost 360 million voters, including almost 65 million Germans, who elected 96 members of the European Parliament, had the right to participate in the elections of 720 members of the European Parliament.

In Germany, for the first time this year, citizens from the age of 16 had the right to vote in the elections to the European Parliament.

On the last day of the elections to the European Parliament — June 9 — voting took place in 21 of the 27 EU countries.

In several countries, elections were held earlier. In particular, voters in Slovakia, Latvia and Malta, as well as in Italy, voted on June 8.

The attitude of the CDU/CSU to the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

Earlier, the first parliamentary secretary of the CDU/CSU faction in the German Bundestag, Thorsten Frei, supported the supply of Taurus long-range missiles to Ukraine.

We've seen debates like the one surrounding the Taurus many times, for example when it came to infantry fighting vehicles and then battle tanks. And in this regard, I just hope that this government will also be able to become wiser - said Torsten Fry.

The politician also does not currently expect negotiations with Moscow regarding a diplomatic settlement of the war.

At the moment, I do not see any starting point for the diplomatic path. I am very sorry about that. But all we are experiencing now is Russian aggression. And only Russia holds it in its hands. If Russia stopped sending bombs, rockets and cruise missiles to Ukraine, the war would be over today - emphasized Fry.

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