Fighter Makhno revealed the philosophy of the "Artan" unit
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Fighter Makhno revealed the philosophy of the "Artan" unit


Ukrainian military "Makhno" of the active action unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "Artan" said that his brothers are all like one family. And this unity is the basis of the philosophy of his unit.

In the "Artan" subdivision, everyone is like one family

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, the warrior "Makhno" joined the territorial defense of the settlement where he lived. His task was to participate in the security of the local airport.

Later, when it became clear that the enemy would not enter his city, he decided to take part in hostilities.

"Makhno" says that he has been thinking about working in the Main Directorate of Intelligence for a long time, so he took all measures to get there.

He needed something more, huh more is to participate in special operations . The guys who were with him in territorial defense were already in this unit by that time, including the commander.

I understood the philosophy of the Commander, that he has a friendly attitude towards the personnel. He built such a relationship in the unit that we are actually like one family, he says.

Brotherhood in the "Artan" unit

In addition, the soldier with the call sign "Makhno" said that he was consciously prepared for the fact that anything could happen, that he could be killed or injured. But he, as a person of faith, believes that it does not depend on him. Everyone has their destiny and everyone has their time.

Actually it is real brotherhood in this unit. If we have an injury, everything is done to treat the person. If we have a funeral, the whole unit participates in it.



Fighter of "Artan"

If the soldiers of the unit are given leave for recovery after some special operation, then, says "Makhno", you will stay at home for a week, you will already be drawn back, you will miss your brothers and that environment. When siblings have birthdays, they write in the unit group that: "Congratulations to the Artan family."

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