France has decided to change the tactics of providing arms to Ukraine
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France has decided to change the tactics of providing arms to Ukraine

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Official Paris has come to the conclusion that it wants to produce more weapons in Ukraine, and not just transfer them through donations or purchases.

French weapons for Ukraine: what can change

According to the French ambassador to Ukraine, Gael Vaissiere, Ukraine's support from the official Paris will gradually change its nature.

The diplomat explained that the critical goal of Emmanuel Macron's team is the production of more weapons in Ukraine, not just donations or purchases.

He also promised again that Paris's support for Kyiv in the supply of military equipment would continue. Still, he noted that it takes some time to transition from one strategy to another.

Moreover, this vision is supported at the political level, in particular by (Minister of Foreign Affairs) Katrin Colonna, who regularly visits Ukraine, having already made five visits to the country, Gael Veissier emphasized.

According to the ambassador, preparations are underway for the head of the French Foreign Ministry's visit to Ukraine.

Today, there is no mention of personal talks between the French and Ukrainian leaders.

We are currently working on the sixth visit of Catherine Colonna, which will take place in the coming days. I can't give a date yet, but it will be in the next few days. And of course we are also working on other visits. The most important thing is to demonstrate the closeness and solidarity of France every day, the ambassador said.

Russia is trying to weaken Ukraine's support in France

Recently, The Washington Post managed to find out that Russia has concentrated its efforts on undermining French support for Ukraine.

Kremlin documents obtained by European intelligence agencies show that Sergei Kiriyenko, President Vladimir Putin's first deputy chief of staff, instructed Kremlin political technologists to promote political discord in France through social media and French politicians, opinion leaders and activists.

Putin's team is convinced that weakening support for Ukraine is the key to winning the war.

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