General Prosecutor of Ukraine: 104 Russian torture chambers were discovered in the de-occupied territories
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General Prosecutor of Ukraine: 104 Russian torture chambers were discovered in the de-occupied territories

Office of the Prosecutor General
The torture chamber

The most significant number of torture chambers in the Russian Federation was found in the Kharkiv region — 25 of them. Among other regions where many similar places of torture were found, Zaporizhzhia region — 18, Kherson region — 11, Donetsk region — 10 are noted.

More than 100 torture chambers of the Russian Federation were found in liberated Ukraine

In Ukraine, in all territories liberated by the Defense Forces from the Russian invaders, places of illegal detention of the civilian population and the use of torture were discovered. In total, these are 104 objects in 8 regions of the country.

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Andriy Kostin, announced it.

According to him, the most significant number of torture chambers was discovered in the Kharkiv region — 25. Among other regions with many similar places, ten are noted in the Zaporizhzhia region, 18 — in the Kherson region, and 11 in the Donetsk region.

In addition, there are 19 torture chambers on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General added during his speech at the "Freedom or Fear" conference.

90% of prisoners and detainees are subjected to torture or one or another type of violence — physical or psychological. Torture in Russia is not an "excess of the performer." This is a planned state policy, Kostin noted.

The Prosecutor General also emphasized that if there are international legal mechanisms for the return of prisoners of war, there are no such mechanisms for civilians and deported children.

The number of Ukrainian civilian hostages in Russia has increased

Today, about 28,000 Ukrainians are in Russian captivity. In this way, the occupiers seek to suppress the local population's resistance in the temporarily occupied territories.

Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets announced this during the "Freedom or Fear" international conference on human rights.

Civilian hostages are, in my opinion, a new system of suppressing the civilian population on the temporary occupied territories. As of now, 28,000 confirmed citizens of Ukraine are in captivity in the Russian Federation, he said.

The ombudsman said that the Ukrainian authorities do not have the opportunity to check their condition and do not get access to Russian prisons to deliver the necessary medicines to the captured Ukrainians. He also noted that approximately 2,000 Ukrainian prisoners are over 65 years old.

A separate list from among these 28,000 is 2,000 citizens of Ukraine, whose age is more than 65 years. There are cases when Ukrainians over the age of 80-85 are captured only for pro-Ukrainian statements. And once again, we cannot do anything about it, the ombudsman said.

Lubinets called on the international community to support Ukraine in protecting its citizens and returning them home.

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