DIU, Ukrainian hackers attack Russian companies
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DIU, Ukrainian hackers attack Russian companies

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine
Ukrainian hackers

The Central Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Defense and Ukrainian hackers attacked several companies in Russia that support the war.

Points of attention

  • Ukrainian attacks are aimed at paralyzing the work of Russian companies, causing them financial losses and creating psychological pressure on the territory of Russia.
  • As a result of attacks on Russian companies, important data and equipment were destroyed, which led to significant losses and problems with functioning.
  • Cyber experts of the State Government also blocked traffic on the Crimean Bridge and conducted a massive DDos attack on propaganda media.

GUR and Ukrainian cyber activists conducted successful attacks on Russian companies

Over the course of a week, cyber-activists of the GUR conducted a series of successful cyber-attacks on Russian companies that support military aggression against Ukraine.

The following operations were carried out last week:

  1. More than 100 terabytes of data from OrbitSoft, a software developer that performed contracts for the Russian occupation army, was destroyed.

  2. Data on 8 servers of Orient Systems, which develops and supplies navigation equipment, was completely erased. This company cooperated with Russian manufacturers of military equipment, including unmanned aerial vehicles.

  3. All data on 19 servers of Internet providers in Nizhny Novgorod - "Linktelecom NN" and "Access Telecom" was destroyed. All subscribers of these providers were sent letters reminding them of the inevitability of responsibility for the war against Ukraine.

The purpose of these cyberattacks was not only to destroy important data and equipment, but also to paralyze the work of companies, cause them financial losses, and create psychological pressure on the territory of Russia.

Cyber specialists of the State Administration of Ukraine blocked traffic on the Crimean Bridge

Cyber specialists of the military intelligence attacked the servers of propaganda media, communication operators, the system of registration and traffic control on the Kerch bridge.

In particular, a massive DDos attack was carried out on the website of the propaganda "Kerch FM" and the servers of the mobile operator "Miranda-media".

It is this operator that provides trunk communication channels for the call center of the occupation administration of Sevastopol, as a result of which the number of the single contact center stopped working.

At the same time, as a result of damage to the registration and traffic control system, a long line of cars appeared that wanted to drive over the Kerch bridge . Within an hour, the traffic jam increased sixfold, and already in the morning there were about three hundred cars in the queue.

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