How effective is Ukraine's air defence — an expert's answer
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How effective is Ukraine's air defence — an expert's answer

air defense
Source:  RBC Ukraine

The Ukrainian air defense forces have more than twice strengthened the defense of Ukraine compared to last year.

The expert reported that air defense protect Ukraine by 60-70%

Former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ihor Romanenko noted that it is incorrect to give any figures when assessing how much the Ukrainian sky is closed now compared to before the full-scale war.

This is mainly because the threats were completely different before 24 February 2022, while now the Russian military is attacking with drones, cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as guided bombs.

Roughly speaking, if earlier the protection was 30%, now it is 60-70%, but again, this applies to individual facilities. There are still many facilities in Ukraine that are practically unprotected by air defence," the expert added.

What is known about Ukraine's response to the Russian army's massive missile attacks on energy facilities

Galushchenko noted that Kremlin-controlled hacker groups are constantly carrying out cyber attacks on Ukrainian power grids, and Ukraine is also expecting massive missile attacks by the Russian army against energy infrastructure facilities.

Answering a question from the publication's journalists about whether President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's statement about responding to massive missile attacks by the Russian army on energy facilities in Ukraine could mean that Kyiv intends to attack Russia's oil and gas infrastructure, Galushchenko said:

That would be fair. Responding to Russia's attack, we will respond with the same approach, attacking their energy infrastructure," the Energy Minister stressed.

Galushchenko believes that the fear that an attack on Russia's ability to produce or transport oil and gas will lead to a price spike is exaggerated. He stressed that other producers can compensate for the supply.

Attacks on infrastructure would not be so critical for prices, especially when you talk about gas and oil. I mean, these are fuels that can be bought not only in Russia. I am sure that the world could cope," the Minister emphasises.

The head of the Energy Ministry also called on US officials to impose sanctions on Russia's nuclear power industry.

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine has predicted the nature of future massive missile attacks by the Russian army against Ukraine.

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