"I'm angry". Tusk sharply criticized Orban and the Polish authorities
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"I'm angry". Tusk sharply criticized Orban and the Polish authorities

Donald Tusk
Source:  online.ua

Influential Polish politician Donald Tusk, who is most likely to become the next prime minister of Poland, said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's team has openly "switched to Russian positions".

Tusk does not hide his irritation with Orbán's actions

Journalists asked the Polish politician whether he planned to hold talks with the Hungarian leader.

According to Donald Tusk, he no longer has such a desire since the Hungarian government "openly switched to Russian positions."

Let's be honest. His relationship with Moscow and Putin is organic, and I don't think that my beliefs can significantly change his attitude, the politician admitted.

According to Donald Tusk, he considers it wrong to "overestimate his influence on Viktor Orbán."

Today, we are not close to each other politically, the chief of Polish "Civic Platform" said.

He also drew attention to the fact that it is Orban's team that stands in the way of the decision, as a result of which official Warsaw should receive 800 million euros from the EU for weapons transferred to Ukraine.

Tusk also criticizes Morawiecki's government

According to the politician, he is also not happy with the results of the work of the current Polish government.

I am angry that at the last minute when they are running for their money ... they could not settle with Orbán such an important issue for us as 800 million euros for weapons, Donald Tusk said, referring to the government of Mateusz Morawiecki.

He also publicly promised not to change his position during the European Council, where important Ukraine-related issues will be discussed.

I am convinced that from now on the majority of leaders will take into account the Polish opinion when it comes to Ukrainian issues and when it comes to Hungary and Orbán, Tusk said.

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