Finland names a way to override Hungary's veto on aid to Ukraine
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Finland names a way to override Hungary's veto on aid to Ukraine

Viktor Orban
Source:  Bloomberg

According to Olli Rehn, the Governor of the National Bank of Finland, the EU could finance assistance to Ukraine from its €80 billion rescue fund.

What is known about the EU's ability to bypass Hungary's veto and approve aid to Ukraine

Olli Rehn noted that the EU's bailout fund was created to maintain stability by providing loans to European countries facing serious economic problems.

However, according to the former European Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Governor of the National Bank of Finland, the funds from this fund could become a backup plan for providing long-term assistance to Ukraine.

We don't have an urgent need for a bailout fund in the financial markets, but we have a deep urgency, an existential urgency in Ukraine. This is a question of freedom, democracy and the defence of Europe," said Rehn.

Will the US and the EU be able to solve the problems with aid to Ukraine early next year

The journalists also note that the US is still unable to resolve the issue of funding further assistance to Ukraine.

At the same time, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban continues to obstruct the EU's plans to expand its budget by €50 billion in aid to Ukraine by 2027.

The publication notes that these circumstances could leave Ukraine without significant financial support from its Western partners as early as the beginning of next year.

I am very concerned about the disunity in Europe and Hungary's veto. We don't have time to blame him, so the other 26 EU member states must get together quickly and prepare a plan B without the consent of Hungary, which seems to be going its own way, Olli Rehn emphasises.

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