ISW analysts explain the idea of Putin talks about the "demilitarised zone": details
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ISW analysts explain the idea of Putin talks about the "demilitarised zone": details

Source:  ISW

American analysts from the ISW team decided to analyse the statements of the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, regarding the idea of a "demilitarised zone", which, according to him, will remove Russian territory from the firing range of Ukraine.

Putin does not hide that he is afraid of Ukraine's attacks on Russia

The American Institute for the Study of War draws attention to the fact that the Russian dictator doubled down on his maximalist and deliberately blurred territorial goals in Ukraine on January 31.

The President of the Russian Federation also once again cynically stated that the advancement of the current front line deep into Ukraine is the most crucial goal of the Russian military in the entire territory of hostilities.

Putin emphasized the idea of a "demilitarised" or "sanitary" zone in Ukraine, which he said would put Russian territory, including occupied Ukraine, beyond the reach of both front-line artillery systems and long-range Western-provided systems.

According to American analysts, the goal announced by the head of the Kremlin to advance the front line so that the declared and actual territories of Russia are beyond the reach of Ukrainian firepower is blurred and unattainable as long as an independent Ukraine is capable of conducting hostilities.

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What is essential to understand is that the head of the Kremlin will quite possibly annex any Ukrainian territories that Russia manages to capture in pursuit of this illusory goal. Thus, new Russian territories will be within the reach of Ukrainian systems.

Analysts point out that Putin included the city of Kharkiv, which he previously called "Russian" in this hypothetical "demilitarized zone", probably to take advantage of the debate surrounding the unlikely possibility of a Russian offensive operation.

Putin may intend to intensify these discussions to divert Ukraine's attention from the ongoing Russian offensive along the Kharkiv-Luhansk region line, but ISW continues to assess that Russian forces in Belgorod region can only engage in tactical actions that will serve to distract and pin down Ukrainian forces along the border.

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