It is very profitable for Iran and the DPRK to supply missiles to the Russian Federation — Forbes
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It is very profitable for Iran and the DPRK to supply missiles to the Russian Federation — Forbes

Iranian missile
Source:  Forbes

Iran and North Korea, in addition to the economic benefit from the supply of their own missiles to Russia, also get the opportunity to see the effectiveness of their own weapons in real combat conditions.

How Iran and the DPRK, with the help of the Russian Federation, are testing their own missiles in Ukraine

Although North Korea has often tested nuclear missiles, Ukraine gives it a unique opportunity to see how they cope with a real combat situation, the publication said.

Journalists add that Iran was able to test its own ballistic missiles during strikes on Idlib province in northwestern Syria.

So testing Iranian missiles in Ukraine, as the authors of the article note, will not be very interesting to Tehran, but Iran will still benefit from the transfer of its own missiles to Russia.

Farzin Nadimi, a defense and security analyst and fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, believes that any future use of Iranian surface-to-air missiles by Russia "will really provide valuable data" about the true capabilities of these missiles, especially against enemy air defenses, the article says. edition.

How the Russian Federation evaluates missiles from Iran and North Korea

Journalists note that in Russia, Iranian ballistic missiles are also considered more valuable than similar weapons produced by North Korea, as Iranian missiles have greater accuracy.

In addition, according to Nadima, these missiles may be easier to prepare and launch.

At the same time, the journalists of the publication assume that Russia will provide Iran with information about the effectiveness of using their missiles in the criminal war against Ukraine.

This exchange will be mutual, Iran will also have a lot to learn from this experience. Russia will intuitively understand how to use these weapons in ways that may also be new to the Iranians, Nadimi notes.

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