Kremlin propagandists cynically urge to blow up another dam in Ukraine: details
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Kremlin propagandists cynically urge to blow up another dam in Ukraine: details

Volodymyr Solovyov

One of the main Kremlin propagandists, Volodymyr Solovyov, defiantly suggested that the occupation army of the Russian Federation blow up the dam of the Kyiv HPP and flood the capital of Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • Kremlin propagandists cynically suggest blowing up the dam of the Kyiv HPP as a means of flooding the capital of Ukraine.
  • The proposed threat is seen as an act of direct genocide against Ukrainians and reflects the depths of propaganda machinations.
  • The justification for this extreme action lies in disputes with the Ukrainian military and events at the ongoing Peace Summit.
  • The world community is called upon to denounce such proposals and view them as crimes against humanity, warranting caution and condemnation.
  • The promotion of destructive ideas like this highlights the alarming depths to which propaganda can sink, calling for heightened awareness and vigilance.

Kremlin propagandists propose to blow up the dam of the Kyiv HPP

The relevant video was released by Petro Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Russian-occupied Mariupol.

He noted that currently Russian criminals no longer hide behind their own statements, but cynically promote the ideas of genocide of the Ukrainian people.

I'm sorry, I really don't understand why the Kyiv dam is still standing. I believe that we should move to the position of the most severe punishment. Listen, they will "iron" Belgorod for us, and we are trying to "preserve" Kyiv, - Solovyov defiantly declares.

At the same time, the Kremlin propagandist absurdly declared about some "nobility" of Russians.

How Russian propagandists justify the possibility of an attack on the dam of the Kyiv HPP

As a pretext for such actions, Solovyov pointed to the intentions of the Ukrainian military to destroy the Crimean bridge.

Andryushchenko emphasized that this statement was made against the background of the Peace Summit, which is currently taking place in Switzerland, and Putin's words about his desire to achieve peace.

A great opportunity for the participants to accept the offers of Ukraine and allies on the one hand. On the other hand, they are not even hiding anymore. What is "denazification and demilitarization"? Just destroy all Ukrainians - calls for direct genocide. We already knew, but it took two years and more than half a million Russians for them to stop hiding, - said the adviser to the mayor of occupied Mariupol.

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