Macron announced the provision of long-range missiles and hundreds of bombs to Ukraine
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Macron announced the provision of long-range missiles and hundreds of bombs to Ukraine

Macron and Zelenskyy
Source:  Reuters

As French leader Emmanuel Macron announced, Paris will hand over 40 long-range scalp missiles and several hundred bombs to Ukraine. In addition, he added that he plans to come to Kyiv.

Ukraine will receive new large-scale aid from France: what is known

Journalists draw attention to the fact that Macron's visit to Ukraine will take place against the background of large-scale political discussions in the United States and the European Union.

Ukraine has still not received a clear answer regarding receiving large aid packages from Washington and Brussels.

In addition, it is emphasised that official Paris is actively working on the completion of a bilateral agreement on security guarantees with Ukraine to help strengthen its finances and defence against Russia in order to deter Moscow from future aggression.

According to Macron, in the coming weeks, his country will transfer about 40 scalp long-range missiles and several hundred bombs to the armed forces:

After these deliveries, I myself will go to Ukraine in February and finish the work on these transfer,’’ promised the French leader.

Emmanuel Macron added that the members of the European Union should make sure that Ukraine can continue to defend itself from Russia.

As the head of France noted, Russia cannot be allowed to defeat Ukraine, otherwise the security of Europe will be at risk.

Scholz criticises Macron for insufficient military aid to Ukraine

As the Telegraph has learned, relations between German leader Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are strained over a number of issues — energy subsidies, the import of Chinese electric cars, defenсe policy and aid to Ukraine.

As of today, the relationship is not really working. The Germans believe that the French are not doing enough for Ukraine, despite talking a lot, and they [the Germans] are right,’’ said an diplomat.

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