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No one will negotiate with the enemy. Interview with the Commander of the DIU “KRAKEN” Special Unit Group

No one will negotiate with the enemy. Interview with the Commander of the DIU “KRAKEN” Special Unit Group

The Commander of “KRAKEN” Special Unit Group of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine with the call sign “Zyma” told why the Russians should not be underestimated, whether a compromise with the enemy is possible and about the memory of fallen comrades.

A portrait of the enemy through the eyes of a Ukrainian scout

Zyma: It is foolish thoughts when it is said that the enemy is stupid. That is, if you describe the enemy from the sofa in front of the TV, it may seem that they are like that, constantly drinking, etc. However, this is different.

Our enemy is cunning, clever, and well-prepared regarding technology, especially communications, EW [electronic warfare—Ed.], air defence systems, and aviation. There are competent commanders, and there are units prepared at a high level.

I think no country in the world has faced an enemy that is repeatedly prepared. They lose only spiritually.

But many of them need help understanding what they are doing here. And it is clear that at a convenient opportunity, they try to avoid [clashes], abandon their positions, etc.

An enemy and a compromise. Transfer of personal military experience.

What if we are dealing with terrorism, where it is difficult to predict a mutually beneficial outcome? In this situation, is it possible to empathize and cooperate with those who are trying to build a “new” world through violence and terror?

Zyma: No one will negotiate with the enemy. But it is not worth complaining. There will be good conditions under which we can agree, and then we will approve and agree.

It is both an exchange of prisoners and an opportunity to take the bodies of KIA [killed in action]. It is a compromise, and everyone agrees to it.

If there is contact on the other side, then in most cases, it is occurring. People communicate, and if necessary, such negotiations take place from time to time.

Art under a bulletproof vest

Ukrainian children actively support our defenders. The wall of drawings in the unit, decorated by little [childish] hands, speaks of this. It gives even more motivation to fighters to go forward and repeatedly proves that every next step is not in vain.

Zyma: Children draw and write letters. And a lot of. Some guys even carry them in a bulletproof vest. It warms the heart. Children are our future.


A memory of heroism and sacrifice

More than once during the conversation, Zyma mentioned the soldiers who heroically gave their lives so that each of us would have the opportunity to wake up and feel alive and free with each new morning.

Zyma: “Positive”… He got his call sign because he always looked at everything positively. He was my friend. Sometimes, after shelling, he would come out and laugh, saying: “Damn! They piled on us a lot!”.

He was never sad, never discouraged, and never afraid of anything. All positive memories are associated with “Positive”…

How did he do all this? He did not have a “Stop” command at all. He died in the artillery shelling when we were helping to evacuate the wounded near Bakhmut.

In general, he could not have done this work, but he decided that it was impossible not to do it — to leave someone in trouble. We don't do that.

We will help to the last [breath]so that no one is left lying wounded on the battlefield, in the surroundings or elsewhere. That's how he [“Positive”] died saving the fellows.

We had another guy with the call sign “Babai”. Recently died my friend, [who was] a company commander with the call sign “Business”.

He was a professional military who participated in hostilities during the ATO [anti-terrorist operation] zone. He was engaged in military affairs for several years. He went from a soldier to company commander without graduating from military educational institutions. In March 2022, he and I met in Saltivka [a residential area in northeastern Kharkiv – ed] and started serving together in the same unit. The longer the war lasts, the more blood is spilt, and the more they [Russians] will find justification for their actions and continue to do so.


The longer the war lasts, the more blood is spilt, and the more they [Russians] will find justification for their actions and continue to do so.

We need to have such an army that the enemy does not want to look in our direction so that they no longer have the desire to repeat.

We, Ukrainians, need to respect and love ourselves. We need to become a little nationalist and learn to defend ourselves. “Sovok” [a system of values where a person uncritically supports Soviet values or has a Soviet mentality – Ed.] must come out of us.

If we retreat even a little from these ideas now, somewhere in 10 years, there will be war again.

There should be a general world understanding that Russia should not be helped. And sanctions? They can also be bypassed. It is necessary to behave more strictly with it, to control it, because even where sanctions have been imposed, it might be effective, but not at this level.

Interviewed by Eve Glickman

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