Orbán's government gets into enormous corruption scandal in Hungary: details
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Orbán's government gets into enormous corruption scandal in Hungary: details

Viktor Orban
Source:  AP News

A new scandal broke out in Hungary after an audio recording with the voice of former Justice Minister Judith Varga was published. That is why she confirmed the conspiracy of Hungarian government officials to cover up corruption.

What is known about the corruption scandal in Orban's team

Journalists draw attention to the fact that this audio recording was published by a former Hungarian official and now Varga's ex-husband, and now an oppositionist and vociferous anti-Orbanist, Peter Magyar.

On March 26, he leaked his inside information and a recording in which Varga's voice described how other government officials had evidence removed from court records to hide their role in corrupt business operations.

They suggested to the prosecutors that it should be removed, says the former Hungarian minister.

According to Magyar, he recorded this conversation while they were still together.

In addition, it is emphasized that the politician has already handed over the evidence to the prosecutor's office in Budapest to use it as evidence.

It is essential to understand that Yudit Varga used to be a part of Viktor Orban's team.

How Varga reacted to accusations of corruption

The Hungarian politician unexpectedly began to accuse her ex-husband of domestic violence during their marriage, and also began to assure that she made these statements under pressure.

I said what he wanted to hear to get away as fast as possible. In such a situation, any person can say something that he does not mean in a state of fear, Judit Varga objects.

Magyar denied her accusations in a separate post on his Facebook.

It should also be noted that Magyar previously accused Orbán's government of widespread corruption and the use of smear campaigns to discredit opponents.

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