OSTG Tavria spokesperson: The Russian Army has concentrated about 40,000 soldiers in the Avdiivka region
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OSTG Tavria spokesperson: The Russian Army has concentrated about 40,000 soldiers in the Avdiivka region

AFU serviceman

The criminal army of the Russian Federation transferred about 40,000 soldiers who do not have normal support, to the Avdiivka region of Donetsk region.

What is known about the situation in the Avdiivka area

According to the OSTG "Tavria" spokesman, Oleksandr Shtupun, against the background of very high losses, the command of the occupying Russian army is constantly transferring reserves from the ranks of newly mobilized and units from former "Storm-Z" prisoners.

Shtupun emphasized that the military command of the Russian army leaves some units in the Avdiyiv direction even without food and drinking water, but they still go on the offensive.

The enemy suffers very significant losses. If you calculate roughly, this is about 300-400 people per day. Russian terrorists are currently not reducing the activity of their infantry. Avdiyivka and Maryinka - the largest number of clashes, the most heated - emphasizes the spokesman of the "Tavria" OSTG.

He emphasized that the command treats the Russian military worse than animals.

The attitude of the command towards them is simply like animals. It is recorded that they are sometimes even left without food and water, and they are forced to eat just snow. Lots of frostbite at the moment. But for some reason they are moving forward - they fear their leadership more than death, Shtupun said.

What is known about the losses of the Russian army in the Taurian direction

According to the OSTG "Tavria" commander, Brig. Gen. Oleksandr Tarnavskyy, during the day, the Ukrainian military, in the direction of Tavria, eliminated 466 invaders of the Russian army and 20 pieces of enemy military equipment.

Russian terrorists do not reduce the activity of their infantry. Avdiivka and Mariinka — the largest number of clashes. The enemy operates with the support of armored vehicles. Uses aviation. Dumps guided bombs — more than 40 units in the past day. All — to the Donetsk region, Tarnavskyy emphasized.

According to Tarnavskyy, the enemy carried out 24 airstrikes, conducted 56 combat engagements and launched 648 artillery barrages in the OSTG "Tavria" operational zone.

20 units of military equipment were destroyed. In particular, four tanks, 11 ACVs, one artillery system, four vehicles. One ammunition depot was also destroyed. Another 17 units of the enemy's equipment were damaged, Tarnavskyy noted.

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