Poland proposed the idea of revenge against Russia for the missile terror of Ukraine
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Poland proposed the idea of revenge against Russia for the missile terror of Ukraine

Radoslaw Sikorski

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radosław Sikorski, called on the West to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles after new massive attacks by the Russian Federation.

Poland reacted to Russia's escalation of missile terror in Ukraine

The new head of Polish diplomacy emphasised that Western leaders should respond to the massive Russian missile attack on January 2 in the "language that Putin understands."

By tightening sanctions so that he cannot make new weapons with smuggled components and by giving Kyiv long range missiles that will enable it to take out launch sites and command centers, Radoslaw Sikorski wrote.

As mentioned earlier, on January 2, two pairs of F-16 fighters took to the air in Poland.

Official Warsaw made this decision due to the mass attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine.

In addition, as is known, on December 29, a Russian rocket violated Polish airspace, flying inland as much as 40 km. However, it returned to Ukraine, where it was destroyed by air defense.

According to Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Russian army has fired at least 500 missiles and drones over Ukraine over the past five days.

Zaluzhnyi also appealed to the West after the Russian missile attack on January 2

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the destruction of 10 out of 10 Russian Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missiles is a new record of the Air Force of Ukraine.

If they were not defeated, the consequences would be catastrophic for our country.

Against this background, the general called on the West to give Ukraine more systems to destroy ballistics.

Thanks to the partners for the air defense system. There is no reason to believe that the enemy will stop there. That's why we need more systems and ammunition for them, AFU's Commander-in-Chief statement says.

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