The Border Guard Service to name the reason why Poroshenko was not allowed to go tour of duty outside Ukraine
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The Border Guard Service to name the reason why Poroshenko was not allowed to go tour of duty outside Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko
Source:  Ukrainian Pravda

On December 1, MP and ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko was not allowed to go on a foreign assignment. The State Border Guard Service (SBGS) explained the reason for what happened.

MP Poroshenko's trip abroad has been cancelled

Border guards say they refused to give permission to cross the border to the fifth President of Ukraine, MP Petro Poroshenko because the Verkhovna Rada cancelled his assignment.

The SBGS spokesman Andriy Demchenko reported this in a comment to "Ukrainska Pravda".

Border guards ensure the registration and passage of persons across the border exclusively in accordance with the legislation, in particular, the Rules for crossing the border by citizens of Ukraine.

As you know, during the period of martial law, members of parliament of Ukraine have the right to cross the state border to leave on the basis of relevant decisions on tour of duty.

Regarding the MP you are interested in, the border guards have confirmation that his assignment abroad has been cancelled. That is why it was not allowed to cross the state border of Ukraine.

Poroshenko about the stoppage at the border

MP of the "European Solidarity" fraction, Petro Poroshenko, was not allowed to go on a foreign tour of duty on December 1.

The politician announced this on Facebook.

Again the theater of the absurd at the border. I have a tour of duty signed by the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, but the border guards did not let me through. I am far from thinking that the border guards acted on their own initiative. Everyone can guess who canceled the document signed by the speaker of the parliament.

Petro Poroshenko had dozens of meetings planned in Poland and the USA.

I had to talk to the Poles about lifting the blockade of our carriers at the border. With the Americans — about ensuring the financing of military aid, which has almost run out this year, is under threat in the future. And without it, we cannot defeat Russia.

Also, the former President of Ukraine called today's situation at the border "anti-Ukrainian sabotage", "obstructing the diplomatic work of his entire team," and "a blow to Ukraine's defense capability".

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