Putin instructed Shoigu to modernise weapons
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Putin instructed Shoigu to modernise weapons

Source:  online.ua

On Tuesday, 19 December, President of the aggressor country Vladimir Putin said at a board meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defence with the participation of the head of the ministry, Sergei Shoigu, that the war in Ukraine had revealed "problems" and outlined plans to further arm and modernise the occupiers' army.

Putin instructed Shoigu to modernise weapons

The special military operation (the war in Ukraine - ed.) also revealed problems. For example, it is necessary to seriously rebuild the communication system, to use modern means of reconnaissance, targeting and counter-battery warfare more effectively, to increase the capabilities of our satellite group not only in the area of special operations, but, according to Putin, the Russians must seriously increase the production and supply of high-precision projectiles and drones of various types. "I know that changes are happening, they are happening quite quickly, I will say more about this. But we still need to work on it, we need to consolidate this trend. Air defence also needs to be improved," the president of the aggressor country said.

Putin also said that the Russian army should be equipped, in particular, with equipment based on artificial intelligence and new physical principles. "I mean robotic systems and combat lasers, weapons using artificial intelligence technologies and new physics principles," he stressed.

At the same time, the Russian president pointed to the role of the Russian nuclear triad. He threatened that by the end of the year, Russia would supply 15 Yars and Avangard launchers.

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