Putin makes strange statement about Ukrainian president
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Putin makes strange statement about Ukrainian president

Vladimir Putin
Source:  online.ua

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin has said that the term of office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expired and that the leadership of the state should now be transferred to the Verkhovna Rada and Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk.

Putin continues to lie about Zelenskyy's illegitimacy

The Kremlin dictator cited one of the distorted clauses of the Constitution of Ukraine as proof.

At the same time, Putin emphasised that he had provided an alleged "preliminary assessment" and that an in-depth analysis was necessary.

However, the Kremlin dictator cynically claims that the alleged Constitution of Ukraine provides for the extension of the term of office of the Council and the speaker only, and there are no clauses on extending the term of office of the president.

Putin refers to Article 111 of the Basic Law of Ukraine.

On the other hand, the head of the Kremlin continues, there is a law of Ukraine on martial law, which prohibits holding presidential elections during martial law in the country.

But this does not mean that they are prolonged. And that's the problem. But there is article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme power, in fact the powers of the president, are transferred to the speaker of the parliament, the Kremlin dictator declares.

In fact, Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine states the following:

The President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by impeachment if he commits treason or another crime.

How the Kremlin is trying to destabilise the situation in Ukraine with statements about Zelenskyy's illegitimacy

Since the beginning of May, Russia has been using a "three-level" plan to destabilise Ukraine, which consists of military, disinformation and international parts.

According to Vadym Skibitskyi, Deputy Head of the the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), the Kremlin's disinformation campaign in Ukraine is aimed at undermining Ukrainian mobilization and the political legitimacy of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose presidential term conditionally ended on May 20.

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