The British Foreign Ministry chief says that Putin will not stop in Ukraine
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The British Foreign Ministry chief says that Putin will not stop in Ukraine

David Cameron
Source:  The Sun

The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of Great Britain, David Cameron, warned that if the Kremlin dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, he will go further.

Why the criminal Russian army must lose in Ukraine

According to the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, his country must finally understand the changes.

The forces shaping it — the Kremlin's pallia of war — a more aggressive China, Islamist extremism poisoning the minds of young people — these things will not disappear immediately. It makes no sense to hope for a magical return of the world to its former state, Cameron emphasized.

He also urged not to confuse hope with politics.

If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, he will return for more. And we know from our history that the appeasement of dictators ultimately destroys British interests and costs British lives, the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs noted.

What NATO says

According to the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, the criminal war unleashed by the Kremlin against Ukraine will end the sooner, the more weapons the Western partners provide to Kyiv.

I am always cautious in my assessments of the current situation at the front. Wars are by their nature unpredictable. Only one thing can be said for sure: the more we support Ukraine, the sooner this war can end, the NATO chief noted.

Stoltenberg believes it is essential to demonstrate to Putin that he will not be able to "wait out" the West in a war of attrition.

It must be clearly understood that a Putin victory would be a tragedy for Ukraine. But it would also be dangerous for us. It is in our interests to prevent this victory. It is in our interests to make sure that Ukraine achieves its goal, the NATO Secretary General stressed.

At the same time, in response to the remarks of the host of the German channel ARD regarding the promises of the Western partners regarding the continuous powerful military support of Ukraine and the fact the EU still cannot agree on the transfer of the promised million ammunition to Kyiv against the background of exaggerating expectations of a counteroffensive by the Ukrainian military, Stoltenberg noted:

Agreed: the frontline has been largely unchanged for the past few months. But with the help of cruise missiles, Ukraine managed to inflict great damage on the Russians deep behind the front line. It was possible to destroy Russian planes and helicopters. It was possible to push the Russian Black Sea Fleet to the eastern part of the sea. This means that we can now keep open the sea trade routes that take Ukrainian grain across the Black Sea. These are all significant victories, although they did not manage to move the front line, Stoltenberg noted.

The NATO Secretary General added that military conflicts develop in stages so that failures may come after successes, but this is not a reason to refuse support to Ukraine.

But we must support Ukraine in both bad and good times. There is a war of attrition. A war where efficiency wins, good logistics. Maintaining a high rate of production is a matter of particular importance, Stoltenberg stressed.

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