Russia demands explanations from Armenia after its statements about Ukraine
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Russia demands explanations from Armenia after its statements about Ukraine

Valentina Matvienko

The head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko, ordered senators to prepare a request and send it to the Parliament of Armenia after loud statements by Speaker Alen Simonyan regarding Ukraine.

Armenia once again supported Ukraine

Alen Simonyan's loud statement was heard during the conference of heads of parliaments of the European Union.

He drew attention to the fact that one of the conference's main topics was Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the Middle East conflict.

"Armenia resolutely defends the territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as Moldova, Georgia, Cyprus and all countries," emphasised the speaker of the Parliament of Armenia.

Such a clear position provoked anger on the part of Putin's henchman.

I want to ask my colleague, the head of the Parliament of Armenia, a question: on whose behalf did he voice such stories? Certainly not on behalf of the Armenian people, with whom Russia has age-old friendship. We cannot ignore this kind of Russophobic speech.

Valentina Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko

Head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

She also added that she had sent a written request to the Armenian parliament to deny or confirm Alen Simonyan's words, which had infuriated the Kremlin.

Putin's assistant cherishes the hope that the country's parliament will ask the speaker "who gave him the right to speak on behalf of Armenia with such passages, and will also give an assessment."

We will not ignore such Russophobic, anti-Russian speeches. It was simply a shame for our colleague that he stood up for all the "red lines," cynically added Valentina Matvienko.

Armenia helped Ukraine in the war with Russia

On September 7, 2023, it became officially known that the wife of the Prime Minister of Armenia, Anna Hakobyan, brought to Ukraine the first aid from Yerevan since the beginning of the war.

Photo: The wife of the Prime Minister of Armenia, Anna Hakobyan, came to Ukraine with help

As reported by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the first lady of Armenia handed over humanitarian aid for online education — more than 1,000 smartphones, tablets and laptops for schoolchildren.

What is important to understand is that Yerevan's unexpected decision to help Ukrainians angered official Moscow.

In September 2023, a loud scandal broke out against this background.

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