Dictator Volodymyr Putin turned Ukrainian children kidnapped by Russia into one of the instruments of genocide in the war against Ukraine. The founder of the Save Ukraine, the Ukrainian NGO, Mykola Kuleba, talked about this in an interview with Online.ua.
Ukrainian children are forced to die in Russia's occupier army ranks
During the last ten years of the out-waging war by Russia, millions of Ukrainians were held hostage, exiled or deported to the territory of the aggressor country.
More than a million of them are children. Many of them live in Russia, and a large part remains in Crimea and other occupied territories.
Most of these children are passported, they received Russian citizenship. And during these 10 years, many of them have already grown up and are fighting against Ukraine with weapons in their hands. Because this is Putin's strategy. This strategy was used before, in the Ottoman Empire or the Mongol-Tatars. Putin's Russia is no different.
That is why tens of thousands of people were mobilised from Donbas and Crimea, who were ordinary Ukrainian schoolchildren ten years ago, are fighting against AFU.
Russians are brainwashing or russifiсating them. Then, the aggressor turned them against Ukraine, making them the Russian soldiers. And today, they came with weapons to kill Ukrainians.
According to Kuleba, if you ask them why they are doing this, the answer will always be the same: "We are liberating originally Russian territories. We are at war with the Nazis."
Russia trains abducted Ukrainian children to think everyone is an enemy around.
The Russians even make the abducted Ukrainian children believe that Ukraine no longer exists and that they have been told to fight with the "Nazis".
This lie is hammered into children's heads with the help of textbooks and news through the education system.
Minors are systematically convinced that everyone around them is an enemy: Ukraine, America, and Europe.
And Russia is a "victim", it defends itself, it did not attack Ukraine. And then the children are told that it is generally prestigious to be a soldier. So if you really want to become a hero, you have to get a military profession. And in schools, every child is immediately given a machine gun. She is not only being taught to use weapons, but is being set up against Ukraine... This is Russian propaganda. This is what Putin's Russia is doing to Ukrainian children today. This is Putin's real goal. And this is genocide. It will be proven.