Russia has "character" and doesn't need nuclear weapons to win war against Ukraine, Putin says
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Russia has "character" and doesn't need nuclear weapons to win war against Ukraine, Putin says


The illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, gathered at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (IPEF) the same "partners" as himself — representatives of the Taliban terrorist organisation and "leaders" of the Bolivia and Zimbabwe regimes. He revealed to them the secret of the "weapon of victory" of the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine.

Putin revealed his "weapon of victory" to dictators and terrorists

On June 7, at the PMEF, the war criminal Putin quite seriously proved to his "guests" that he has Russia's secret main weapon.

According to the dictator of the Russian Federation, nuclear weapons are not needed for the victory of Russia whether the country has the so-called "Russian character".

Later, Putin again mentioned that the Russian nuclear doctrine could be changed.

The Russian dictator also noted that the use of nuclear weapons is possible in exceptional cases, which "have not yet happened."

A general review of Russia's nuclear doctrine is Putin's favourite topic for blackmailing the Western world so that European countries and the United States will help Ukraine less in repelling the aggressor country.

Also, a video of the arrival of a Taliban delegation — representatives of the Taliban, a recognised terrorist organisation in the world, which, by the way, may cease to be such in terrorist Russia — appeared on the Internet at the supposedly prestigious economic forum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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