Russia hides the number of victims after the Kakhovka Dam's destroyment — AP
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Russia hides the number of victims after the Kakhovka Dam's destroyment — AP

Kakhovka Dam
Source:  Associated Press

As a result of a large-scale investigation by the Associated Press, it became known that the authorities of the Russian Federation deliberately underestimated the actual number of victims of the flood in the Kherson region, which was provoked by Russia's detonation of the Kakhovka Dam.

The exact number of dead Ukrainians after the Kakhovka Dam explosion remains unknown

The Associated Press team decided to talk to medics, volunteers, rescuers and civilian Ukrainians who fled the territory occupied by Russia after the occupiers destroyed the HPP.

As the journalists managed to find out, the Russian occupation authorities significantly and intentionally underestimated the number of dead.

Russian authorities took control of issuing death certificates, promptly removed bodies that were not claimed by relatives, and prevented local medical workers and volunteers from caring for the dead, threatening them when they did not follow orders.

For example, the Russian government continues to lie that only 59 people drowned in the territory it occupied.

It is essential to understand that only in the city of Oleshky did the number of dead reach hundreds of civil Ukrainians.

The insiders of the publication say that the Russians dug up mass graves, and the unidentified bodies were taken in an unknown direction, and no one saw them again.

Their (Ukrainians — Dam ed.) stories testify to a purposeful attempt by the Russian authorities to hide the true cost of the dam collapse, which, as AP has established, was probably arranged by Moscow itself. Residents of Oleshka are afraid that their stories will be forgotten, and their home is slowly dying.

The world is not aware of the scale of the tragedy after Russia blew up the Kakhovka Dam

According to Svitlana, head nurse of the Oleshky District Multidisciplinary Hospital, who collected death certificates, the rotting of the bodies led to the swelling of the corpses and "people floated around the city like balloons."

The hospital sent just under 50 bodies to autopsy centers. However, according to the AP, the Russians gave residents separate phone numbers that they could use to call the police, who sent people to pick up the bodies found, bypassing the hospital. At the same time, family members were charged 10,000 rubles as a fee for services.

According to nurse Svitlana, the scale of this tragedy is still not realised, not only in Russia but even in Ukraine.

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