Russia is against the repatriation of prisoners and blames Ukraine for this — Lubinets
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Russia is against the repatriation of prisoners and blames Ukraine for this — Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets
Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, stated that Russia does not agree to the repatriation of prisoners of war but cynically blames Ukraine for this.

Russia blocks the repatriation of prisoners of war

According to the Ombudsman, the aggressor country, in addition to the above, organises information propaganda campaigns.

First of all, they are aimed at the most vulnerable category of citizens - relatives of prisoners of war and missing Ukrainian soldiers.

In particular, messages are constantly "thrown out" for relatives that they allegedly need to put pressure on the Ukrainian side. The enemy is doing this on purpose to divide our society. Don't forget who we are fighting against, Dmytro Lubinets urges.

In addition, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights asks close defenders to be cautious and analyse everything with a cool head.

It's no secret that you should be as sceptical as possible of unverified data published on social networks.

I understand that sometimes it is difficult. Ukraine is doing everything possible to bring home all its people! — the Ombudsman emphasised.

Ukrainians demand to suspend the right of captured Russians to call home

On December 28, the website of the Office of the President of Ukraine registered a petition submitted by Tamila Aleksyk on behalf of the "wives, mothers and sisters of our defenders who are currently in captivity."

In it, they demand that Russian prisoners of war be deprived of the opportunity to call their relatives in the Russian Federation because Ukrainian prisoners are not allowed to call their relatives.

The petition's author draws attention to the fact that the Geneva Conventions do not stipulate the obligation to provide telephone conversations with relatives for captured participants in armed conflicts.

We write letters to our husbands, sons and brothers, but we don't even know if they reach them. The ICRC is no less silent about this than the Russians are, the author of the petition notes and adds that not all relatives of prisoners even know whether their relatives are alive.

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