Russia is panicking over Ukraine's new drone attack tactics
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Russia is panicking over Ukraine's new drone attack tactics

UAV attack in the Russian Federation

Russia is panicking over Ukraine's new tactic of using drones for attacks on the territory of the aggressor country.

What the Russians say about Ukraine's new tactic of using drones to attack the Russian Federation

According to Russian Telegram channels, during attacks in the Belgorod region, Ukraine uses UAV communications with repeaters, which allows to increase the flight range.

In particular, in the publication of the SHOT Telegram channel, it is noted that this is how a bus was attacked in the settlement of Nova Tavolzhanka.

Two drones were flying towards it - the FPV drone with explosives was accompanied by a second device equipped with a repeater, which helped to increase the flight distance, according to the publication of the Telegram channel.

Why did the Armed Forces shoot down fewer Russian Shahed-type drones

UA War Infographics analysts note that the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense systems in shooting down Russian Shahed-type drones has decreased by 33% over the past 10 weeks.

Thus, according to the summary presented, as early as December, the effectiveness of air defense against drones was about 90% or more, but in January, the indicators declined and in the last two weeks amounted to about 60%.

Among the reasons for reducing the effectiveness of analytics are:

  • when one UAV is shot down, others change course,

  • conducting additional reconnaissance by the Russians of the location of Ukrainian air defense,

  • the appearance of "Shakheds" with a jet engine, which fly faster (not 180-220 km / h, but 450-600 km per hour),

  • thermal traps on missiles that fly together with UAVs,

  • night camouflage (painting of drones in black color or coating with carbonate.

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