Russia places combat helicopters at Azovstal in occupied Mariupol
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Russia places combat helicopters at Azovstal in occupied Mariupol

Russian helicopter
Source:  ATESH

ATESH movement agents learned that the Russian invaders were actively using the ruins of Azovstal to deploy their combat aircraft.

What is happening at "Azovstal" in Mariupol

ATESH movement agents report that the occupiers are actively using the ruins of Azovstal to deploy their combat aircraft, the press service of the movement reports.

According to the partisans, enemy aircraft are involved in combat missions from there.

"ATESH" emphasises that their agents actively monitor the Russian army's aviation activity, as well as the deployment of its units.

The partisans have already managed to find several private homes where the occupying pilots are quartered.

All information was passed on to the Defence Forces of Ukraine. The enemy will be expelled from Mariupol! — emphasises the "ATESH" team.

Russia is preparing its aviation for new strikes

The Air Force Command spokesman, Col. Yuriy Ignat, officially confirmed that, despite significant losses, the Russian Air Force is beginning to resume its activity in Ukrainian skies.

And now we can already see several Su-34 and Su-35 strike groups in the morning, which can prepare for the task of strikes in the eastern and northern directions, — emphasized the Air Force Command spokesman.

Ignat also drew attention to the fact that after the downing of the second Russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft, they had not been in the sky for a week.

For the seventh day already, if I'm not mistaken, the A-50 has not appeared either in the Rostov region or the waters of the Sea of Azov. The enemy said that they would restore those that were in storage. It is difficult to say how fast or long this process will be.

Yuriy Ignat

Yuriy Ignat

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