Russia reports massive shelling of Belgorod — video
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Russia reports massive shelling of Belgorod — video


The territories of the Belgorod and Kursk regions of Russia were allegedly bombarded with drones and missiles.

What is known about the shelling of Belgorod

Russian air defense allegedly shot down several targets on the approach to Belgorod. The governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, reported that 8 civilians were injured, and more than 50 private homes were damaged.

Also, Russian air defense systems allegedly shot down 17 Vampire anti-aircraft missiles, 5 guided aerial bombs and a UAV, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported.

According to the governor, gas supply lines were damaged in the Belgorod district.

In addition, Gladkov said, an agricultural enterprise in the village of Proletarske was attacked. According to him, three buildings and two pieces of equipment were damaged.

Russian media also reported a UAV attack on the Kursk region.

An oil depot in the Luhansk region was hit

On the evening of 10 May, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Rovenky in Luhansk region, and a fire was reported at an oil depot.

Local Telegram channels reported explosions in the town.

Later, a video of the fire was published. Russian mass media, citing local services, said that the oil depot was on fire.

The leader of the "LNR" Leonid Pasichnyk declares that one person was allegedly killed and several injured as a result of the attack.

Rovenky is located in the deep rear of the occupied Luhansk region — 110 km from the front line. The city has been occupied since 2014.

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