Russia = shit. Polish activists reminded the ambassador of the Russian Federation about the war in Ukraine
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Russia = shit. Polish activists reminded the ambassador of the Russian Federation about the war in Ukraine

an action
Source:  Reuters

Polish protesters marked the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and held several rallies near the home of the Russian ambassador to Poland.

The Poles came with an action under the Russian embassy in Poland

On February 24, protesters said that this morning they threw two tons of manure near the house of the Russian ambassador to Poland.

Activists placed a bloody Russian flag with the letter "Z" on the pile of shit and stuck a sign "Russia = shit! We don't want you in the EU! Get out!" into it.

Elsewhere in Warsaw, protesters set off sirens, gunshots and explosions near a building housing Russian diplomats.

We wanted a clear signal to the Polish authorities and the European Union. The time has come to expel Russian diplomats from our country, said protester Dominik.

Unlike the Baltic countries, which have sent Russian ambassadors, Poland has not yet taken such a step.

The second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine

On February 24, leaders of other countries came to Ukraine. In addition, a meeting with the participation of Ukraine and the "Group of Seven" is planned.

Something special is also being prepared for February 25 - a press conference with the participation of top speakers from the government, the military-political leadership, the prime minister, the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Main Directorate of Intelligence, the Ministry of Strategic Industry, the President's Office and the president himself.

They plan to raise the issue of the future of the army, its development, the introduction of modern technologies, joining the European Union (EU), as well as NATO.

The following arrived in Ukraine on the occasion of the second anniversary of the full-scale war:

  • Giorgia Maloni, Prime Minister of Italy;

  • Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada;

  • Alexandre De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium;

  • Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark;

  • Chuck Schumer, the majority leader in the US Senate, is a Democrat.

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