Russian collaborator suspected of military propaganda among schoolchildren in Crimea
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Russian collaborator suspected of military propaganda among schoolchildren in Crimea

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has served a notice of suspicion to collaborator Ani Hryhoryan, who is an associate of the illigal head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov. 

Collaborator Hryhoryan received notice of suspicion from SSU for preparing schoolchildren for war with Ukraine

According to the SSU, Ani Hryhoryan was “appointed to position of the deputy head of the occupation Crimean Youth Policy Committee” in November 2022.  

Since then, Hryhoryan has subjected the Crimean young generation to massive Kremlin propaganda, praising the war in Ukraine and agitating children to enter military educational institutions in order to fight against Ukraine in the future, according to the Ukrainian security service.

Thus, she publicly delivered these "theses" to a hundred students at a school assembly in the town of Foros this autumn.

Based on this and other evidence, SSU notified Hryhoryan of suspicion in absentia.

The woman is suspected of collaboration and voluntary employment of a Ukrainian citizen in the illegal authorities of the Temporarily Occupied Territories (TOT) and of massive Russian propaganda, aimed at supporting the full-scale invasion of Ukraine among Crimean children.

This was reported by the SSU press service on Facebook.

Being in the ranks of the aggressor's "government", Hryhoryan publicly calls on Crimean schoolchildren to prepare for war against Ukraine and enter Russian military educational institutions, the SSU reports.

She delivered these "theses" to a hundred students in Foros at a school assembly this autumn.

She is also "the head" of the so-called Avangard Centre for Military and Patriotic Education, established by the occupiers on the peninsula.

There, Russian instructors teach the local 9-11 graders of combat tactics, and conduct firearms training with children using various types of small arms. In addition to the military "course", students are ideologically brainwashed in order to form a hostile attitude towards Ukraine and prepare for participation in hostilities against the Ukrainian army, the report says.

In order to force children to join Avangard, the collaborator gives direct instructions to school principals and works with parents.

Based on the evidence gathered, SSU investigators served Hryhoryan a notice of suspicion in absentia under Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration, i.e. voluntary holding of a position by a citizen of Ukraine related to the performance of organisational, administrative or economic functions in illegal authorities established in the temporarily occupied territory, including in the occupation administration of the aggressor state).

As the suspect is in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, special measures are being taken to bring her to justice for crimes against Ukraine.

Ukrainian schoolchildren are "brainwashed" in Melitopol

In the temporarily occupied Melitopol, the enemy is teaching Ukrainian children lessons of "Russian identity".

This was reported by the Ukrainian National Resistance Center on Facebook.

The occupation administration forced the city's schoolchildren to attend a propaganda event called "One Hundred Days of Russian Identity". Responsible for brainwashing children is the "Federal Agency for Nationalities" — a special Kremlin body for the education of mankurts.

The lessons for young Ukrainians were taught by a well-known traitor to the Armenian people, Aikaz Mikaelyan, who has been serving Putin since the 2000s. "Now the collaborator is creating a policy of genocide in the occupied lands of Ukraine, hoping to affect a whole Ukrainian young generation, the statement reads.

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