Russian troops shelled the Kherson region with artillery. There is a victim
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Russian troops shelled the Kherson region with artillery. There is a victim

Oleksandr Prokudin / Kherson OVA

Russian terrorists hit the village of Sadove in the Kherson region with artillery. They hit a residential building.

The Russians shelled the Kherson region with artillery

Around 11:10, the occupying forces hit the settlement with artillery. One of the shells hit a residential building, writes the press service of the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Prokudin.

A civilian died under the rubble. Rescuers found his body.

The situation in the Kherson region

After the liberation of the right bank of the Kherson region, part of the region is under constant shelling by the occupiers. The Russians attack the civilian population with heavy weapons, artillery and aviation.

For example, on December 26, Russian terrorists fired at the railway station in Kherson. As a result of the attack, a 29-year-old police officer from the Kirovohrad region died. Also, two Kherson police officers aged 34 and 38, including two civilians aged 34 and 51, were injured. After that, the Ministry of Reintegration announced strengthening security measures for passengers.

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